I wouldn't say that about the French. It gives White chances to attack and straddles black with a less than perfect bishop in order to get a fierce attack on the Queen side. Each side has a lot of imbalances. You have to be pretty courageous to accept all that. However, I think you're partially right about c6. When black plays c6, he basically says "I want a safe game and you won't get past my fortress." The idea is not some crazy counterattack or creating imbalances, it is surviving and if White makes a few errors, Black can get some strong play, often with c6-c5.
Originally posted by kmac27Yeah, I like playing against both actually - I use the advanced against both as well, I finished a slow game against the Caro-Kann on here earlier, I posted it in the thread "Oh how quickly..." if anybody is interested in seeing how I play against the CK.
yup yup. i hate playing against them both. for that i'm transferring to d and c pawn openings ;-) although i will miss playing a good sicilian ;-)
French all the way! I've been playing with the french for a few weeks and i find that if white has litle experiance against it, it will be a win for black. I think I'm 6W 0L 1D with it so far, alot better then my results with 2.e5, i've never played the caro-kann
edit: wait, i reread your question, and I don't play 1.e4, sorry
Originally posted by hammster21I could destroy your French...Frenchie.
French all the way! I've been playing with the french for a few weeks and i find that if white has litle experiance against it, it will be a win for black. I think I'm 6W 0L 1D with it so far, alot better then my results with 2.e5, i've never played the caro-kann
Originally posted by Zander 88I guess it kinda depends on the variation of the French. I've never really had any problems with underdevelopment. Even though it is blocked in at the beginning, your opponent still has to try to find some way to exploit that.
On another note, Caro-kann is pretty cool. You don't get the hemmed in bishop, but White gets much freedom.