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Checkmate in under 10 moves

Checkmate in under 10 moves

Only Chess

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Thought it would be interesting to see all the checkmates in under ten moves, since the the thread looking for mates under twenty is going so well.

Just like with that other thread, post only if the game has mate in under ten moves, or if mate can be forced in under ten.

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
[pgn]1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nb1c3 dxe4 4. Nc3xe4 Nb8d7 5. Qd1e2 Ng8f6 6. Ne4d6 1-0[/pgn]
I did that to an IM at ICC. It was a 1 minute game, and I had played a real move the first time around with white. He just premoved right into it. hehe

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My favorite from my games:

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You wouldn't believe how many people will take the black side of "Morphy at the Opera".

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
I did that to an IM at ICC. It was a 1 minute game, and I had played a real move the first time around with white. He just premoved right into it. hehe
I've sprung that trap so often I've lost track. 😉

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
I did that to an IM at ICC. It was a 1 minute game, and I had played a real move the first time around with white. He just premoved right into it. hehe
Wow. I seriously need to remember this set up.

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A very odd game in the French defence. I'm not sure if black is better after the 9th move, but his 10th move made things a lot easier.


I think I've posted this one on here before. My daughter (aged ten) was White:

She took over a minute to play her fifth move because the urge to win her opponent's queen with 5. Nxf7 was so strong.


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2 of my Favorite

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only thing i lost

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My worst bit of doziness:

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Game 9708871


EDIT: Can someone tell me how I include the full board in the post, like the other submissions on the thread, please?

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Originally posted by IDrinkYourMilkshake
Game 9708871


EDIT: Can someone tell me how I include the full board in the post, like the other submissions on the thread, please?
1) Click on the game.

2) Click on "Get PGN" to the right of the board.

3) Copy the text.

4) Past the text into your post

5) put the PGN tags around the text of the game you copied, meaning put "pgn" and "/pgn" with brackets over them--->[]<---those things.

I'll post your game in the meantime.

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