A topic no doubt mooted on the site before...
I'm currently enduring a couple of games with the same player that IMO, should've resigned loooong ago as a matter of etiquette, but now is simply winding the clock down out of puerile bad sportsmanship...with a single move as infrequently as possible.
I appreciate he is fully within his rights to play for SM, and I have no recourse, but curious as to views on resignation etiquette.
Your opponent has 600 plus games on the go and is probably cycling through them just in time to move. Typically he plays his losses to checkmate so I doubt it is personal or the dead man defence (hoping you'll pop your clogs before you deliver mate). The way to counter this is to promote all pawns to knights, arrange your pieces as a monogram or other artistic design before delivering mate just before the 50 move rule kicks in. Don't forget you can use the conditional moves to play the finish out remotely if you want.
"The way to counter this is to promote all pawns to knights, arrange your pieces as a monogram or other artistic design before delivering mate just before the 50 move rule kicks in."
Love this!!
"Don't forget you can use the conditional moves to play the finish out remotely if you want."
I didn't know this! Thanks!!
@fatkidonatrampoline saidI thought we can only play one CM per line
"The way to counter this is to promote all pawns to knights, arrange your pieces as a monogram or other artistic design before delivering mate just before the 50 move rule kicks in."
Love this!!
"Don't forget you can use the conditional moves to play the finish out remotely if you want."
I didn't know this! Thanks!!
@ragwort saidgroovy
Deep mode allows you to set conditionals further along the proposed line.
@fatkidonatrampoline saidI've always held the view that if a game's obviously lost one should resign, but that's just me. Partly this is out of respect to my opponent and out of good grace, but I also can't see the point of dragging lost games around.
A topic no doubt mooted on the site before...
I'm currently enduring a couple of games with the same player that IMO, should've resigned loooong ago as a matter of etiquette, but now is simply winding the clock down out of puerile bad sportsmanship...with a single move as infrequently as possible.
I appreciate he is fully within his rights to play for SM, and I have no recourse, but curious as to views on resignation etiquette.
@indonesia-phil saidThere is a point, up to a point. Against an 1800+ player, I would probably presume that he could win if he had a clear advantage, and I would probably resign (unless I saw some drawing chances). But for the player in question here, playing out most games to checkmate is a fine way to learn the basic mating patterns with K+R vs K, K+Q vs K, etc. Are you sure you could mate in under the move-limit with K+B+N vs K, if you had never seen the pattern before?
I've always held the view that if a game's obviously lost one should resign, but that's just me. Partly this is out of respect to my opponent and out of good grace, but I also can't see the point of dragging lost games around.
@fatkidonatrampoline saidMy main opinion about such behaviour, and almost all "bad sportsmanship", is that whining about it, whether in person or in these forums, is much worse etiquette than the behaviour itself.
A topic no doubt mooted on the site before...
I'm currently enduring a couple of games with the same player that IMO, should've resigned loooong ago as a matter of etiquette, but now is simply winding the clock down out of puerile bad sportsmanship...with a single move as infrequently as possible.
I appreciate he is fully within his rights to play for SM, and I have no recourse, but curious as to views on resignation etiquette.