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Chess in Hawaii

Chess in Hawaii

Only Chess

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Resident loudmouth Powershaker, while denigrating Dave Tebb in another thread, moaned that there's only one person in Hawaii who can beat him but that's there's really no one to play. Imagine my surprise to learn that the Hawaiian State Championships were played just two weeks ago and our superstar wasn't even aware of it. I'd say we have a poser in our midst.

The link is: http://hawaiichess.homestead.com/files/2006Tournaments/2006State.htm

No fear Shaker; you'll have a chance next week to play the Hawaiian state champion in the State speed chess championship. http://hawaiichess.homestead.com/Calendar.html. I'm sure you'll be there.

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Who on earth would want to play chess in Hawawii?

With sun, surf and beautiful bronzed babes everywhere chess would be the last thing on my mind!

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I have a friend who is very strong OTB in Hawaii (about 2150 USCF last time he played in Massachussetts, but he hasn't played officially in a number of years). Yes there are strong players in Hawaii. No, I don't believe powershaker is one of them.

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Do you think Powershaker has seen this call out and neglected to answer?

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Originally posted by Bedlam
Do you think Powershaker has seen this call out and neglected to answer?
Yeah, I called him out on something once, and he ignored it. He's a wussbag. Perhaps with me calling him a wussbag he might respond!

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Originally posted by tmetzler
LOL, that's evil. 😀

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I think he just keeps missing it on page 2. I'm sure he'd love to know there are strong players in hawaii.

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He has a 1450 rating. What is he a legend in his own mind?

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Originally posted by powershaker
What happens when you can't find anyone who can beat you more than 2 games out of 10! The only player I've met on the island of O'ahu who can beat me in a set 10 games match is a grandmaster who hangs out in Waikiki! His name is George of the Jungle! That's we call him. I can't win a single game off of him, but I play him just so I will be humbled a bit after beating everyone else.

Incidentally, that's why I'm glad I own my Mephisto/Kasparov chess computer. My Chess Explorer is rated in the top 1%! I haven't beaten it yet! Came close once, but it always worms its way out of my guns.

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Originally posted by slimjim
He has a 1450 rating. What is he a legend in his own mind?
That's not my real rating. I had a lot of timeouts. There's people on here who know I've broken 1600 before. Oh, and I know about the Hawaii State Championship! Who doesn't? I was only speaking of casual players - not professionals. Sure, there are professional players who fly into Hawaii to play in our championship. I know this to be true. Just like Susan Polgar was in Hawaii on her simul as I remember. But, I was counting her as those islanders? I mean locals - not visitors or tourists. Do you understand where I'm coming from now? Sure, if I had $300 to blow on an entry fee into a prestigious Hawaiian tournament - where professionals abound - I would no doubt enter that tournament even if I lost. It would be fun.

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Originally posted by BLReid
I have a friend who is very strong OTB in Hawaii (about 2150 USCF last time he played in Massachussetts, but he hasn't played officially in a number of years). Yes there are strong players in Hawaii. No, I don't believe powershaker is one of them.
I'm talking about someone I can play and actually have some competition on a casual basis. I'm talking about entering the Hawaii State Championship. Good grief! I'm talking about my casual games... playing for fun. There are players who are either much too strong or players who are much too weak. My rating is actually 1600+, but I had a lot of timeouts. It's hard when everyone is going surfing and babe watching in Waikiki.

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Originally posted by BLReid
I have a friend who is very strong OTB in Hawaii (about 2150 USCF last time he played in Massachussetts, but he hasn't played officially in a number of years). Yes there are strong players in Hawaii. No, I don't believe powershaker is one of them.
Well, since my rating use to be higher than yours on RHP before my timeouts, I'd suggest calling yourself a weak player also. I don't take all day to move on RHP and still had 1600+ at some points. Of course that's just a strong class player rating - nothing for me to brag about. But, if you're calling me weak, call yourself weak too, because you are.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Who on earth would want to play chess in Hawawii?

With sun, surf and beautiful bronzed babes everywhere chess would be the last thing on my mind!
I hope you know that Hawaii isn't all the movies say it is. 🙂 There are down sides, too! Every single day I wake up, I feel like I'm on vacation. Never ask a Hawaiian what time it is. Sometimes, they don't even know the day of th week. You know how you go on vacation and you get tired of it, and want to come back to your real reality? Well, imagine never being able to do that. Imagine being on vacation every single day. Man, it gets depressing. And, all I hear all day is the same Hawaiian music. I wish I could hear more 80s rock. That's why I bought a radio at the drug store the other day - just so I could shut out the ukeleles just once.

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Originally posted by powershaker
That's not my real rating. I had a lot of timeouts. There's people on here who know I've broken 1600 before. Oh, and I know about the Hawaii State Championship! Who doesn't? I was only speaking of casual players - not professionals. Sure, there are professional players who fly into Hawaii to play in our championship. I know this to be true. Just ...[text shortened]... essionals abound - I would no doubt enter that tournament even if I lost. It would be fun.
Professionals???? Looking at the crosstable, the highest rating was 2169. There were people with a 1200 rating that had a plus score. Come up with a better excuse.

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