Only Chess
16 Oct 05
Originally posted by BowmannThe queen is in imminent danger from the dark bishop, so he either needs to prevent the bishop getting to g5, or create an escape route.
Black, to play, has a few options here. What would be a good move?
h6 seems to be a good move, albeit a bit passive. e5 could be a more proactive move as it may provide an opportunity to develop the bad knight on Nd7 and then the currently blocked light bishop.
[EDIT] Having said that, the queen and king may be on the same file for a little longer than would be comfortable, so I'll stick with h6.
h6 loses the queen immediately. I'd play e5. Hoping for d4xe5. Retake with the knight forcing Nf3xe5. Qxe5+. Most likely prompting either the queen exchange or Bc1e3. If Qd2e2, Qxe2, Kxe2, white will lose castling ability. Even if the queen exchange doesn't, the queen is saved and white has lost control of the middle of the board.
Originally posted by zakkwylderHow does h6 lose the queen?
h6 loses the queen immediately. I'd play e5. Hoping for d4xd5. Retake with the knight forcing Nf3xe5. Qxe5+. Most likely prompting either the queen exchange or Bc1e3. If Qd2e2, Qxe2, Kxe2, white will lose castling ability. Even if the queen exchange doesn't, the queen is saved and white has lost control of the middle of the board.
Originally posted by NordlysDon't feel bad, I'm a pretty speedy walrus. The walrus olimpics are coming to my home town, and tradition dictates that the host town assembles a team as well. I've been chosen for the 100 meter flop, and the 1500 meter swim. Events are: 100-1000 meter flops, 500-3000 meter swims, loudest arf, sliding race, walrus ball, tusk wrestling, and sychronized arfing/flopping.
How so?
Edit: The walrus was faster. 😞
Originally posted by zakkwylderIt's alright. I'm not sure what I'm going with.
You'll have to forgive my confusion in the matter, for some reason I thought h6 was in reference to moving the queen. Though it doesn't say that, I assumed for some reason. My apologies. regardless, I would still go with e5.