First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for yesterday's post /is it it possible?/. For some reason, the text I entered didnt go through. Sorry for wasting your time.
What I wanted to ask today was, how many points toward your rating do you get per win, and can certain moves get you more points? When I say points, I mean towards your rating.
A very simplified summary of how ratings work might be:
If you beat a player, you gain more points for beating a player rated higher than you than you do for being a player rated lower than you. This works on a sliding scale, so that beating someone much higher rated then you gets you the most points, while beating someone much lower rated gains you the least.
The opposite is true of losses; losing to a player rated far above you loses you a minimal number of points, while losing to a player rated far below you will cause your rating to drop most.
Drawing a player rated above you will increase your rating (though not as much as beating them), while drawing a player rated below you will decrease it (again, not as dramatically as if you lost).