Cannot be too hard to learn Russian for chess purposes. Chess terminology is limited. And it is very rewarding. They have a lot of chess litterature that is not available in other languages.
But you cannot use it for everyday communication though, or picking up girls... "Hey, white queen, like to promote my bishop? We can have a king side fianchetto, or a en passant with me solani, if you like?
Originally posted by moteutschmost game collections do not provide annotations for each move. there are 3 good books I know which does this:
Where can I find clasical chess games with annotation explaining the idea behind each move? Often when I look at games I don't understand the reason behind them...
winning chess brilliancies by seirawan
logical chess move by move by chernev
understanding chess, I'm not sure, but probably by Nunn.
there's also pandolfini's book about the Kasparov - Fritz match which annotates every move, but I doubt it's any good.
the software "chess mentor" is simply superb and has annotations for every move, and even for wrong moves which you might want to play, but it's so expensive. you might want to check out the trial version.
Kasparov's "Great Predesessors" contains fully annotated brilliant games and is superb; excellent annotators are Drazen Marovic and the early Keene; superb analysis in depth you will enjoy at the Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games (Paperback, forward by Vishy Anand and annotations by Graham Burgess, Dr John Nunn and John Emms;
I go here:
scroll all up and down the page there's a bunch of games from previous tournaments. Kind of what you're looking for. The games aren't exactly classical as in brilliant games from long time past, but are great games from superGMs in the recent months/years.
I also had a sweet collection of great chess instructional stuff I learned lots from. I ended up getting them all from the UBI chessmaster forums. Naturally I can't find them now 🙁
nm, I've come through.
I hope the links are still up. It'll be so much fun trying to download EVERY part. I can't remember how long it took me to get them all, but praise the big guy upstairs they're all still on my hard drive.
Originally posted by moteutschAnother book which may fit your requirements is "The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played: 62 Masterpieces of Chess Strategy" by Irving Chernev. It's a little more advanced than "Logical Chess: Move by Move" and there is less analysis on opening moves, but the games are very high quality and well annotated.
Where can I find clasical chess games with annotation explaining the idea behind each move? Often when I look at games I don't understand the reason behind them...
Originally posted by FabianFnasive always wanted to own an exclusive russian-written chess book.. know of any good ones?
Cannot be too hard to learn Russian for chess purposes. Chess terminology is limited. And it is very rewarding. They have a lot of chess litterature that is not available in other languages.
But you cannot use it for everyday communication though, or picking up girls... "Hey, white queen, like to promote my bishop? We can have a king side fianchetto, or a en passant with me solani, if you like?
Originally posted by irontigranI seem to have acquired a copy of Botvinnik's Best Games (I think this is it's title!) in pure Russian. Can't understand any of the annotations at all, but the inside cover has "from his lazy-arsed interpretator" scrawled on it! Obviously the games are top-notch, but without the annotations it's pretty worthless as a learning tool. No idea if it's still available, though?! You could try e-bay.
ive always wanted to own an exclusive russian-written chess book.. know of any good ones?