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Convekta's Advanced Chess School

Convekta's Advanced Chess School

Only Chess

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I picked up this program a while back and have been playing around with it lately. It has an ELO rating that it gives and I was wondering if there was some way of approximating what this might be OTB.

Or is this rating simply like an internet site rating that doesn't really mean anything?

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Originally posted by Eladar
I picked up this program a while back and have been playing around with it lately. It has an ELO rating that it gives and I was wondering if there was some way of approximating what this might be OTB.

Or is this rating simply like an internet site rating that doesn't really mean anything?
This rating is not an official FIDE ELO rating, however it shows precisely the dynamics and the strength of the student. Therefore, if the system attributes to the user a specific ELO during the Test mode, that player should be able to get this exact FIDE ELO easily when s/he will start playing OTB.

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If that's the case, then I'm entering the program as a class D player, hopefully it can bring me to a class C.

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internet site ratings mean something, i think. although they may not be dead on, though. If a person is rated lets say 2070 here, come on man, that person can play good chess!

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Originally posted by Eladar
If that's the case, then I'm entering the program as a class D player, hopefully it can bring me to a class C.
hi, whats it like? i have both Convekta CT-Art and the Convekta Chess Strategy Cd, the latter being practically useless to me, although it would be of benefit to someone rated 1800 and above i reckon.

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As far as I can tell, this program is designed for the beginner. It covers all of the basics. It has sections on..

How to checkmate, from K+Q vs K to checkmating with bishop and knight.

Opening-Middle game-End game with modules on each.

Pawn Ending

Tactics section that contains 25 different modules teaching different aspects of tactics. There are only 55 modules in the entire CD, so nearly half of this thing is about tactics.

How to utilize either a material or positional advantage

As I said, I bought it a while back, but it's been collecting dust since I reformatted my computer. I think I'm going to take it seriously and work my way through it to see what it can do for me.

It definitely is not going to be over your rating.

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