Originally posted by pawne4The short answer is no, the RHP grade cannot be converted into a grade for any other use.
I would like to play in a congress but have not got a grade and have no actual real life match results. i have currently a score of 1529 in rhp Played134 Won73 Lost38 Drew24 can this be converted into a grade i can use Thansk
You can apply the ECF conversion which gives 109 ECF. (RHP-650)/8. but I repeat it means nothing and no controller will accept it.
Nothing stops you entering a congress as an ungraded player however some prizes will not be available to you unless you are in the Open section. To have a grade for next season you will need
to have played 9 rated games before 31st May (two congresses in other words), but they have to be either all standard or all rapid not a mix and match.
My guess is that a steady 1500-1600 on here should try the lowest section or "minor" first and if you achieve a very strong result go up to the next section at the next tournament with your result in the first tournament as "evidence" for the organiser.
You can enter a congress as an Ungraded player, it just means you cant win any prize money. I would agree that your RHP grade can not be used as evidence, but indicates that you should go for the Minor section.
Playing for a club will help to get you a grade, all the congress dates and clubs can be found at;