Originally posted by Faith No MoreAfter 59...Kd3 you should have played 60. Kf3 winning the pawn and eventually the game.
Game: 1831479 (sorry, I don't know how to make the game into a link)
Anyway, from the moment we traded queens on move 48, where was my mistake? was I even in a better position?.. was trading queens a mistake?
Any analysis of the game is welcome🙂
I think the strategy goes wrong on move 52.
Keep the rook on the e line for a while. this limits black King-moves. He cannot protect his d pawn anymore. No rush in winning it, just make sure you pick it up before it promotes. :-)) Next you can use your king to bring black into "zugzwang". Put it on G3 and only move your rook up and down the e line.
The moment blacks king moves to the g line you easily pick up the d- pawn and from that moment you can catch the 2nd pawn as well. Leaving a K + R vs. K won game.
Originally posted by Faith No MoreIt was your game to win right up until the very last move. Instead of capturing the pawn you should have moved Kf3. No matter what black does after that, you move Ke2, then no matter what black does you capture the pawn with your rook on your next move, then go checkmate black.
Game: 1831479 (sorry, I don't know how to make the game into a link)
Anyway, from the moment we traded queens on move 48, where was my mistake? was I even in a better position?.. was trading queens a mistake?
Any analysis of the game is welcome🙂
Some analyses for the moves before that:
15.Qxe2 keeps the pawn.
You should finish you development and push your passed a and b pawns. The game should be yours.
22.Nd5 right away or Qd2 and then Nd5. This prevent black from pushing d5 which he should have done.
Passed pawns must be pushed.
Overall it was a well played game for you.
I have only had a quick scan through the game but I have a couple of comments
8. c4 - I don't particularly like this because it leaves a hole on d4
16. Qd4? because of 16 ... Bf6! 17 Qxe4 Bxb7 18 Rb1 Be5! and black is winning (superior minor piece - note the position of the bishop three squares away from the white knight - the knight has no squares)
26. Ba1 is better than a4 - I agree with the poster who said that your outside passed pawns give you a winning game, but you need to time their advance.