I just woke up from a nap and I had a very rare chess dream that incorporated many political topics from my real life.
I've been playing chess for many years and I've only had 2 chess dreams.
This one was me returning to tournament chess in a narrow and crowded playing hall.
I was playing a young girl named "Tulsi"...
During the game I got up and bought a chess DVD and a chess life magazine.
I never watched the dvd or read the magazine.
I returned to my game to find out the tournament director disqualified me.
I asked why and he pointed to the chess magazine.
I said "You sold it to me!"
He then points to the name on the used magazine.
Where the name should be said "black power"
I said "You can't disqualify me for buying a magazine from you!"
The tournament director sits back down at his desk and I demanded to know why he disqualified me but he has no answer.
He hands me back my tournament entry money and it's a drivers license.
I'm furious so I go back to my chess game and I see middle Eastern women arguing with Jewish women at my game.
They are all beautiful π€
I noticed that the one Iranian woman was my opponents mother.
I said "You're Tulsi's mother!...why did you have me disqualified?"...she said..."It was unfair for "Tulsi"
As they left I said ... "You knew I was going to win it all and you cheated me so your daughter could win!"
She just smiled on her way out.
After grabbing my stuff and two extra chess sets me and two family members go to our car and leave and that's when I looked at the drivers license he gave me.
That's when I woke up but it's not over lol
I watched a "Tulsi Gabbard" video about the 2020 election right before my nap so
that explains my opponent being named "Tulsi"
The Iranian and Jewish women arguing is also from watching political videos.
The tournament director was that cool dude from the YouTube videos "agadmator"
(His chess videos are some of the best out there for intermediate level players)
And the drivers license belonged to none other than Veselin Topalov!
So I'm thinking Topalov is going to make a comeback?
(My first chess dream way back was me playing Alekhine and we arm wrestled on the chess set...I won π€)
I dream chess a lot, but the dreams are never anything fun or fanciful, they're always simply analyzing positions in correspondence games that I'm playing.
I've found winning moves and plans in my sleep that I hadn't found while awake, including sacrifices, and it's interesting that my dream analysis always seems to be correct, unlike my waking analysis!
My recurring chess dream can be summarized in four words: Russian Ladies Chess Team.
'Nuff said.
@greenpawn34 saidSince you already primed yourself it will come π
I have a chess type dreams fairly frequently.
Played games but never remember them, just bits of them.
Never had the nightmare where every pieces I've ever sacced
chases me down a long corridor with no doors but no doubt I will .
@paul-leggett saidI dream of arm-wrestling Natalia Pogonina.
My recurring chess dream can be summarized in four words: Russian Ladies Chess Team.
'Nuff said.