Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexI am the GM of doing that! Why is everything so obvious only seconds after moving? Or in this case actually during moving:
I managed to blow a good position and lose my first league match of the year. It is the fault of everybody here - especiallly the people who post in this topic!!
In your 'How do you resign thread' I was going to post my graded friendly game against a Horsham junior, I had a move that won a rook for a bishop and would have given a totally won game, as he was behind on time and the tempo would have definately been with me. But just before moving I suddenly saw a better move skewing his unprotected rooks with my queen and also winning a pawn (that's if his pawn hadn't been protected with a bishop of course). I asked the 'room' can somebody advise me please (holding the queen in my hand) saying "I know that I have to move the queen but do I have to take his pawn that I have just touched'? I more or less knew the answer it was just desperation that caused the question to be asked. I immediately resigned and shook his hand, feeling like an idiot (once again)