Game 721057
My opponent is refusing a draw!
How long to I need to wait before I can claim the draw? (Assmuing I wont blunder my bishop away!)
Originally posted by Faith No MoreNot to comment on a game in progress, but I believe the drawing rules that would apply in an endgame would be:
Game 721057
My opponent is refusing a draw!
How long to I need to wait before I can claim the draw? (Assmuing I wont blunder my bishop away!)
1. 3-fold repitition
2. Stalemate
3. 50 moves without pawn move
4. Insufficient material to mate
I'm a really bad player, but I doubt that I am bad enough to lose my bishop here... 😕
I have no problem to wait a few more moves before the draw, but it appears that my opponent will wanna play it to the bitter end. 🙁
So I need to wait for the 50 moves without pawn movement now, right?
Originally posted by Faith No MoreYou're a pretty bad typist as well, but that's beside the point 😀
I'm a orety bad player, but I doubt that I am bad enough to lose my bishop here... 😕
I have no problem o wait a few more moves before the draw, but it appears that my opponent will wannaplay it to the bitter end. 🙁
So I need to wait for the 50 moves without pawn movement now, right?
But yeah, the 50 move rule seems to be the best bet.
Originally posted by lucifershammerThis is a draw and should be agreed a draw...
But I have to agree here - if I were up in a similar position, I would try to force the game right up to the end. The draw isn't immediately obvious.
Whoever plays this out or would play this out is wrong.
There is no way for the rook to force the win, the draw is immediately obvious.
Okay? Yes, its a game in progess guys??? Here FNM, change your question, is a Rook vs Bishop, end game a draw???
If there is only kings left with a rook vs a bishop, it will be a draw unless blunder, remember not to play your king on the final row, or else you can be mated by rook, or forced easily, other wise, good luck in your games Shaul, and i do believe you have a draw!!! And for all those out there, i was answering the question i asked, not about shauls game 😀😀😀😀😛😛😛😛😵😵😵
Originally posted by wibIt's a rated tournament game...
I believe it's a set-piece game. Which means it's unrated. I'm not sure how JMO feels about comments but Faith No More asked for them regarding the draw. So I guess with all of those factors combined that commenting on the game is ok.
And now I don't have any comments to add.... 🙂