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Decide if these 2 positions are drawn

Decide if these 2 positions are drawn

Only Chess

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I keep ending up in some complex endgames, so I will present another game I just played today. Feel free to comment on the game itself.

It was TD2007 (1707) vs Ramned (1746)

Time: 60 / 60

Game result: 0-1


Note that I was getting in some time trouble around move 23 (I had 7 minutes of clock left and it was still unclear to me).

Up to move 23, I believe I played a pretty strong game (move 10 perhaps should have played h4 before Nh3 intending a safe f5 push). I especially value comments regarding moves 1-23.

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WHITE TO MOVE. (Move 24)

-What could black have done better on move 22 and on move 23?

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We reached this position after several errors on my fault (and 1 major error on his).


I really need to work on keeping my head in the game for the ENTIRE game, not just half. Of course time pressure was a factor.

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Originally posted by Ramned


-What could black have done better on move 22 and on move 23?
Position #1. Black is clearly winning due to his surplus of pawns and the threat of Qf2+ must be dealt with probably by Qe1 since moving the e3 rook allows QxQ simplifying and making the extra pawns more apparent. More thought is required. I havn't yet played through the game so I can't comment on better moves for black. Another candidate move for white is h3

Edit 1: You asked about 22 & 23 but I prefer 21... Rf2. It's just a more useful move allowing rook doubling while still protecting your king.

move 22: I can't find anything better than Rf5 though it feels funny. Your a-pawn is threatened, but I don't really care. The knight is the piece that bugs me the most, as it looks like your rook is taking the knights natural location.

move 23: staring at this I see Rxc6+. I'm not sure what else to play though. Qb4, Rb3, Qxf4 is what I want to play but clearly that doesn't deal with Qb4, Rxc6+

Edit3: Move 22 I prefer Re7 since it affords some defense to the rook sac.

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Originally posted by Ramned
We reached this position after several errors on my fault (and 1 major error on his).


[fen]8/1p5p/3pk1p1/pr3n2/5R2/2B4P/PP4P1/6K1 b[/fen]

I really need to work on keeping my head in the game for the ENTIRE game, not just half. Of course time pressure was a factor.
Position #2. INteresting position.

Black is a passed pawn to the good but has a slightly worse minor piece (short range knight vrs whites bishop) and his rook is seriously out of play. His king is more involved in the endgame.

White has the better minor piece and rook, but his king needs to become useful. g4 kicking the knight and allowing Rf6+ looks appealing but may well be one of those moves my eye is drawn to but doesn't really accomplish anything useful.

I think black has a winning advantage but it is hard to realize. I'm going to go back through the whole game, then review position 1 before returning to this.

Edit 1: I can't seem to find this in your game... the white rook is in the wrong spot, I think it should be on b8? ala move 36.

Sadly the move I like best is Nh6 allowing for Rf4 and if an immediate Rf6+ then Ke7 holding the pawn and denying the rook the seventh rank while preparing to redeploy the knight once the rook comes over. I expect

Nh6, Rf6+, Ke7, g4, Rd4/Nf7 (I"m not sure which is best).

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Why didn't White claim (or did the application not declare) the draw by threefold repetition?

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Why didn't White claim (or did the application not declare) the draw by threefold repetition?
That never occured. He advanced his pawn before we repeated the rook and king position.

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It looks to me like the position after white's moves 42, 44, and 46 is identical.

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Originally posted by incandenza
It looks to me like the position after white's moves 42, 44, and 46 is identical.
45. ... Kd7 =

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