What do you think? They look pretty guilty to me but who can say for sure.
EDIT: I can understand how Varshavsky might of just been having a good day. I know being accused of cheating would screw up my concentration in a big tournament. It seems pretty obvious to me the other guy was cheating though.
Originally posted by pointYes!
What do you think? They look pretty guilty to me but who can say for sure.
EDIT: I can understand how Varshavsky might of just been having a good day. I know being accused of cheating would screw up my concentration in a big tournament. It seems pretty obvious to me the other guy was cheating though.
Originally posted by Fat Ladyabout this ghost tales,
Here are some stories of chess cheats:
Also, check out the games of the infamous "John Von Neumann":
Since I have been on PHP, I have found two moves while sleeping, I happens that I check the games before sleeping, then I decide that I will move tomorrow because I am too tired, then at 6 o'clock(exactly) I wake up remebering this dream where I was analysing the board and saw the move, I imediatly go to the pc, check it, and it is very good:
Game 2199496 move 15, opponent resigned
[gid]id 2286301[/gid] move 22, opponent resigned 3 moves away(of course he wasn't playing very good)
but the point is that it is normal that this happens, I could also say that I saw a ghost or something.
I say that it is normal because I used to repair tv's, and it was like 5 times that I could find a problem while sleeping, after spending the hole day working on it. and a friend of mine told me it hapened to him two times.
I think that the brain transmit the data to the subconcient, and then he works on it.