How much do people find their chess playing abbilities dwindle after a few pints. I had a pint of lager last night before playing my old man and I got beaten. I don't know if it was becasue I'd decided to play the queens gambit even though I don't know it fully or because I couldn't concentrate.
Do you just get slower at making your moves or do you make bad/superficial moves?
Originally posted by jugglingeekBasically, doing anything while drunk, besides getting more drunk, is bad.
How much do people find their chess playing abbilities dwindle after a few pints. I had a pint of lager last night before playing my old man and I got beaten. I don't know if it was becasue I'd decided to play the queens gambit even though I don't know it fully or because I couldn't concentrate.
Do you just get slower at making your moves or do you make bad/superficial moves?
Originally posted by jugglingeekI think probably making bad moves is the problem. There can be any number of reasons for that, including making moves that "seem" good intuitively but really aren't. It's well know that judgement suffers when you're drunk.
How much do people find their chess playing abbilities dwindle after a few pints. I had a pint of lager last night before playing my old man and I got beaten. I don't know if it was becasue I'd decided to play the queens gambit even though I don't know it fully or because I couldn't concentrate.
Do you just get slower at making your moves or do you make bad/superficial moves?
It's been my experience that different people react in very different ways to being drunk. For example, one of my brothers becomes calmer and brutally honest, while my other brother becomes erratic and wild.
However, as most have said, being drunk while playing chess most likely will impair your game. My game suffers when I'm tired, and when I'm tired I act as though I'm drunk (kinda nuts and a bit of a spazz), so it's probably like that.
Originally posted by jugglingeekAsk the drunkards in the "In vino veritas" Clan. They probably have an experienced opinion.
How much do people find their chess playing abbilities dwindle after a few pints. I had a pint of lager last night before playing my old man and I got beaten. I don't know if it was becasue I'd decided to play the queens gambit even though I don't know it fully or because I couldn't concentrate.
Do you just get slower at making your moves or do you make bad/superficial moves?
I find that maybe one, possibly 2 pints can sometimes help, as it relaxes me, and can sometimes help me think a bit more easily. Of course, a bit more than this and my judgement tends to go, and I am more likely to make a blunder.
I played an OTB game recently, and was getting ground down. Usually I would have just tried to stick it out, but as I had drunk a few pints, I was feeling a bit more daring, so decided to sac a piece for 3 pawns. It wasnt completely sound, as it turned out, I ended up needing to win as other boards deteriorated rapidly, and my opponent cracked under the pressure of my pawn mass coming down the c and d files, hence winning the game and saving my team from relegation!
I played a friend once, who had previously beaten me repeatedly with ease. I decided to do something about it. I gave him neat vodka whilst I was drinking water.
He discovered my ploy but by then it was too late. He was well and truly stuffed.
That bottle of vodka was a marvellous investment.
Originally posted by jugglingeekMy chess club meets in a pub. Most of the clubs players will happily drink a pint duaring a game. I personally find that one pint actually helps my game a little. People tend to feel more self confident and aggressive after drinking a lot. I think that this can be a good thing in chess, you have to be as aggressive as possible, the only problem comes when the alcohol makes you over confident. One pint no more i say, though the club chairman often has three large glasses of white wine and thumps everybody. Everyone's different i guess.
How much do people find their chess playing abbilities dwindle after a few pints. I had a pint of lager last night before playing my old man and I got beaten. I don't know if it was becasue I'd decided to play the queens gambit even though I don't know it fully or because I couldn't concentrate.
Do you just get slower at making your moves or do you make bad/superficial moves?
And bowling. I once got totally smashed with a few friends and then got a score of 179. It seemed I could do no wrong. Even the local bowling team, which was occupying the next lane, stopped playing to watch me. That was five years ago and I havent been bowling since. I just dont want to ruin the glory.