Post here your most embarassing losses,this one was delivered fresh today!
I really didn't see it coming,and on top of that my opponent dared to say ''Good game'' in his last move message................
Game 853994
Originally posted by RavelloArgh, that game is bad news, your opponent won fast by moving a queen and knight around and playing a shiatty opening, now they will never learn and I'll see crap like that continiously, god, why can't I get a higher rating so I don't see stuff like this?!
Post here your most embarassing losses,this one was delivered fresh today!
I really didn't see it coming,and on top of that my opponent dared to say ''Good game'' in his last move message................
Game 853994
Game 830057
BTW, I would say this is my most embarassing loss. I had the material advantage, better position, all my opponent had going for him was his queen, and here I was thinking to myself the queen itself cannot mate, after all, that's what my father told me when I was a kid, there's no way a queen can mate by itself in an open board without help, well guess what, my father and the tens of others who said the same, are wrong, god this peice is overpowered. It mated me by itself!
Please tell me there was something else I could of done this game to avoid this. . .
Originally posted by XanthosNZThat's almost at the same brutal level as mine, up a lot of material, winning endgame, then slam, one peice checkmates. I've always told myself I would never fall for these, yet in that game I showed, I did, and to be honest I didn't see the checkmate until I got a red screen saying "you lost" and I was like WTF?! Well, in fairness, it was two peices, the knight got right of the only "flight square" you created. Garbage of a game though. Unfortunenately, chalk that up as another newbie winning off a terrible opening, expect to see more of that from this said player, you see why I say studying opening theory is useless? Too many new players winning off "bad" openings. . .
Game 716993
No explanation as to why it's embarassing needed.
I was playing good up to this point and bam, mate. Hope ya have a good chuckle from this one 🙂 Game 807131
Originally posted by mateuloseThis is so funny! The thing is: You let them win. They can't win if you don't mess it up chief. It's your fault you lost. Not theirs for playing the bad opening, not theirs for beating you with two pieces. Only yours. That is the thing about chess. You can't blame a loss on anyone but yourself. So get over it. I am sick of the whining. I was pretty close to modding these whines, but I am just telling you now: Noone wants to hear these same rants over and over again. It's like you have some psychological disease where you need to whine to people about the same things over and over again because you don't get any attention normally. Quit it.
That's almost at the same brutal level as mine, up a lot of material, winning endgame, then slam, one peice checkmates. I've always told myself I would never fall for these, yet in that game I showed, I did, and to be honest I didn't see the checkmate until I got a red screen saying "you lost" and I was like WTF?! Well, in fairness, it was two peices, ...[text shortened]... I say studying opening theory is useless? Too many new players winning off "bad" openings. . .
Game 382499
Symptom of:
a) Not knowing the opening
b) Having one's head in one's arse
c) Combo a + b
Get down little dawgy.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!Tony is right. I don't blame anyone but myself for that (or any other) loss. I congratulated my opponent just like I would after any loss. I lost the game fair and square. Doesn't matter that I was up a huge amount of material. The game is still up for grabs until you deliver mate.
This is so funny! The thing is: You let them win. They can't win if you don't mess it up chief. It's your fault you lost. Not theirs for playing the bad opening, not theirs for beating you with two pieces. Only yours. That is the thing about chess. You can't blame a loss on anyone but yourself. So get over it. I am sick of the whining. I was pretty clos ...[text shortened]... bout the same things over and over again because you don't get any attention normally. Quit it.
Originally posted by mateuloseHate to embarrass you even further, but you were almost always behind in this game according to Fritz4, never had any significant advantage and made several blunders. You lost your Queen, for cripes sake!! You richly deserved to lose this game and your opponent outplayed you, although he, unlike you, missed several winning chances earlier. You seem completely unable to coldly analyze a game and realize what led to victory and what led to defeat you just stick 'em all into your "I was great, my opponent was crappy and got lucky mold". BTW, your opponent didn't even MOVE HIS QUEEN UNTIL MOVE 30!!!
Game 830057
BTW, I would say this is my most embarassing loss. I had the material advantage, better position, all my opponent had going for him was his queen, and here I was thinking to myself the queen itself cannot mate, after ...[text shortened]... re was something else I could of done this game to avoid this. . .
Originally posted by mateuloseYou really have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You had ABSOLUTELY NO material advantage at any stage of the game and you even lost your queen for no reason. You call that a material advantage huh? A queen will definitely win over a rook and knight.
Game 830057
BTW, I would say this is my most embarassing loss. I had the material advantage, better position, all my opponent had going for him was his queen, and here I was thinking to myself the queen itself cannot mate, after all, that's what my father told me when I was a kid, there's no way a queen can mate by itself in an open board withou ...[text shortened]... itself!
Please tell me there was something else I could of done this game to avoid this. . .
As for position, your pieces just flip-flopped all over the place and they just never seemed to find the right squares to go to. Even though your opponent didn't play to perfection he made less mistakes and brutally took advantage of yours when you failed to do the same.
And of course a queen can mate on an open board without help from its own men, your king just happened to stumble among his own pieces. Actually you just moved your king to the wrong square. Why oh why didn't you move it to e1 instead? Because you're not as good as you claim to be and you underestimate your opponent who happens to be lesser rated than you. The last straw came when you moved your king to f1, you made the last mistake and you deserved to lose.
Originally posted by mateuloseOh dear, you really have no idea at all do you? You have more knight moves than a european country in the middle ages. You totally fail to understand concepts like central/square control, open lines, creating good and bad pieces and more importainly tempo.
Game 830057
BTW, I would say this is my most embarassing loss. I had the material advantage, better position, all my opponent had going for him was his queen, and here I was thinking to myself the queen itself cannot mate, after all, that's what my father told me when I was a kid, there's no way a queen can mate by itself in an open board withou ...[text shortened]... itself!
Please tell me there was something else I could of done this game to avoid this. . .
Game 594407
All my losses are embarassing 😳
But I think this one takes the biscuit, I resigned rather than go through the humiliation of having virtually all my pieces demolished... it's so typical that it was on my thirteenth move that I set myself up for the fall.
Originally posted by XanthosNZDid you notice he doesn't reply to the posts where he gets proved completely wrong or embarassed?
Tony is right. I don't blame anyone but myself for that (or any other) loss. I congratulated my opponent just like I would after any loss. I lost the game fair and square. Doesn't matter that I was up a huge amount of material. The game is still up for grabs until you deliver mate.