Hi there,
I was playing this rook endgame a pawn down, and found a neat little trick i'd like to share. From this position, white to play and draw:
Here is the whole game, with the solution of course (I think I misplayed the endgame as I felt I was slightly better after the queens exchange):
[Event "Open invite"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.05.19"] [EndDate "2009.05.23"] [Round "?"] [White "Garnoth"] [Black "high5104"] [WhiteRating "1600"] [BlackRating "1689"] [WhiteELO "1600"] [BlackELO "1689"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [GameId "6335900"] 1. Nb1c3 e5 2. Ng1f3 d6 3. d4 Nb8d7 4. dxe5 dxe5 5. e4 c6 6. Bf1c4 Bf8e7 7. O-O Ng8f6 8. Bc1g5 O-O 9. Qd1e2 Qd8c7 10. Nf3h4 Nd7c5 11. Nh4f5 Bc8xf5 12. exf5 b5 13. Bc4b3 a5 14. a3 Nc5xb3 15. cxb3 b4 16. Nc3e4 c5 17. Ra1c1 Nf6xe4 18. Bg5xe7 Qc7xe7 19. Qe2xe4 Ra8c8 20. f4 f6 21. fxe5 Qe7xe5 22. Qe4xe5 fxe5 23. Rc1e1 Rf8e8 24. f6 Rc8c7 25. Re1e4 g6 26. g4 g5 27. Rf1f5 Kg8f7 28. Kg1g2 Rc7d7 29. Re4e2 Rd7d3 30. Rf5xe5 Re8xe5 31. Re2xe5 Kf7xf6 32. Re5xc5 Rd3d2 33. Kg2g3 Rd2xb2 34. axb4 Rb2xb3 35. Kg3f2 Rb3xb4 36. Rc5xa5 Rb4xg4 37. Ra5a6 Kf6g7 38. Ra6a7 Kg7g6 39. Ra7a6 Kg6h5 40. h3 Rg4f4 41. Kf2g3 h6 42. Ra6d6 Rf4f7 43. Rd6d5 Kh5g6 44. Rd5d6 Kg6h7 45. h4 Rf7g7 46. Kg3g4 h5 47. Kg4xh5 g4 48. Rd6g6 g3 49. Rg6xg3 Rg7xg3 1/2-1/2