Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexI was under the impression that this opening forces black to play with an active defense. If black tries to "wall up" can't whit just knock the wall down? Thhe mainline I believe leaves blacks king stuck in the center. Now for the real question is it better than the kings gambit?
It gives white a bit more control in the centre, so avoids such sharp black counterplay in the early stages of the game.
However, I believe with good defence black can just sit back and wall up against the threats then come back at you later.
Originally posted by tomtom232Rather embarassing but OK. Game 2233587.
could you post a link to that game if it isn't too much trouble?
Originally posted by tomtom232One of the finest ever exponents of the evans was the attacking genius Paul morphy. along withy the KG he made it his own! Unfortunately though, as with all gambit play a ceratin amount of theory must be learnt. You must also possess a good degree of tactical intuition.
What do you think of the evans gambit? I think that this is way better than the kings gambit so I am going to try to play it more often instead.
I have tried to recreate some of Morphy's masterpieces at my local club on many an occasion and have fallen flat on my face!
It's a fun opening though.
Originally posted by TalismanOn the theory aspect, one thing in favour of the Evan's over the KG is that it is much less theoretical, which is always good. Also, the Evan's is less common so there's a better chance that your opp won't be as familiar with it. But they are both good lines, just pick whichever leads to positions you prefer.
One of the finest ever exponents of the evans was the attacking genius Paul morphy. along withy the KG he made it his own! Unfortunately though, as with all gambit play a ceratin amount of theory must be learnt. You must also possess a good degree of tactical intuition.
I have tried to recreate some of Morphy's masterpieces at my local club on many an occasion and have fallen flat on my face!
It's a fun opening though.
Originally posted by tomtom232black declines with Bb6!!
What do you think of the evans gambit? I think that this is way better than the kings gambit so I am going to try to play it more often instead.
white is left just holding his wang out in a snowstorm saying:" oh $hit, what the crap do I do now?"
The words "Wang" and "$hit" are all figments of your imagination.
I did not actually say them.
that would be illegal. cheers.
Originally posted by scandiumwhite only gets Evans after 1. ... e5??
On the theory aspect, one thing in favour of the Evan's over the KG is that it is much less theoretical, which is always good. Also, the Evan's is less common so there's a better chance that your opp won't be as familiar with it. But they are both good lines, just pick whichever leads to positions you prefer.
correct is 1. ... c6!! or 1. ... g6!!
Originally posted by Dragon Firethat's why I play 2...f5 instead off 2...Nc6??
Rather embarassing but OK. Game 2233587.