Out of all of your games, what opponents did you enjoy playing the most? Not limited to just one, and not games you enjoyed, opponents you enjoy playing against.
Mine would be:
First and foremost, my good buddy joe t. I've been playing him ever since we both joined. MercifulWolf & Palimpsest have always given me a great challenge. I really enjoyed playing Mesmiris and johnyq. I'm still playing my first game with jbabaei and I've really enjoyed playing him as well.
Anyone else?
Originally posted by zakkwylderPlayed Darvlay recently - interesting game with few mistakes. Also enjoyed playing Sicilian Smaug - our games have been pretty direct and brutal.
Sicilian Smauq always gives me a great challenge. I play him with the hope of learning not winning. He finds a new way to thrash me everytime.
*Tips hat*😉
Of those who thrashed me, Kpt Quack was probably the nicest!