Originally posted by Zander 88since we are in a forum using engines (which I don't have)
After 15 minutes have passed, Fritz 9 evaluates 1.g4 d5 as -0.57 (slight advantage for black). Here's the line:
2.Bg2 Nc6 3.c4 e6 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.0-0 dxc4 6.Qa4 Qd6 7.Qxc4 Qb4 8.Na3
hope this helps
what after
1. g4 d5
2. Bg2 c6
does black maintain the advantage setting up a caro-kann type pawn structure in the center?
obviously, after this, the g4 pawn is hanging and black can take it safely...
and has the accepted been deemed as winning for white?
1. g4 d5
2. Bg2 Bxg4
3. c4 c6
4. Qb3
is this indeed a won position?
When i play Bg2, Fritz evaluates Nc6, e5, and c6 with approximate equal value. (-0.58). After c6, Fritz likes 3.g5 with (-0.61)
After the line you gave me, it gives 4...Qd7 with -0.61 for black. haha.
I would not trust these values too much. I would say Rybka does much better job in evaluating positions, and so roughly equal as Korch said.
Originally posted by Zander 88really?
When i play Bg2, Fritz evaluates Nc6, e5, and c6 with approximate equal value. (-0.58). After c6, Fritz likes 3.g5 with (-0.61)
After the line you gave me, it gives 4...Qd7 with -0.61 for black. haha.
i always heard that black accepting the g4 pawn was a losing blunder...