Originally posted by Restless Souluhhhhh, OK...where are the moves you want to share?
Thought I would share a couple games against an 1800 that I played last night at my chess club. Each game was cut throat, and each position is fun to play.
[fen]1k1r3r/pp3ppp/4qn2/1N6/Q7/4b3/PBR2PPP/4KR2 b - - 0 1[/fen]
black to move and win the race to mate first
[fen]5rk1/pp1n2b1/2n1R2p/3p2p1/3P3P/2P3q1/PPQB1rP1/4RBK1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
black to move and show the power of the borg defence
Originally posted by Restless SoulBd2+ should win for black. i.e.
Thought I would share a couple games against an 1800 that I played last night at my chess club. Each game was cut throat, and each position is fun to play.
[fen]1k1r3r/pp3ppp/4qn2/1N6/Q7/4b3/PBR2PPP/4KR2 b - - 0 1[/fen]
black to move and win the race to mate first
Kd1 Bg5+!