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Game analysis help.

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Hey all.

I'm currently attempting to improve my chess (ain't we all) and following advice already posted i've started looking over my finished games more closely and would be very thankful for any help given.

Game 2506284

I wasn't quite sure what to do after 1. f4, i don't think i've encountered it before. Hence i decided to try and stick with what i know and get into some kind of KID. Any advice on better alternatives?

After a bit of wriggling we got to a four pawns attack, but i had no clue about what to do with 7. e5. Any ideas?

Shame the game finished how it did, i was quite enjoying it! Many thanks for any help.


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Originally posted by nickhawker
Hey all.

I'm currently attempting to improve my chess (ain't we all) and following advice already posted i've started looking over my finished games more closely and would be very thankful for any help given.

Game 2506284

I wasn't quite sure what to do after 1. f4, i don't think i've encountered it before. Hence i decided to try and stick w ...[text shortened]... e the game finished how it did, i was quite enjoying it! Many thanks for any help.

12...f5 is a mistake i think your opening up your king for no reason (i know you wanted to open the e file but its not worth it.) 12...de 13.fe Bxe5 is an easy win for black, although a bit longer. 12...f5 offers counterplay against g6.

13...exf6 i like Nxf6 better; knight on h5 is out of play
14...Qe8 better is Re8 or Qe7

everything else is fine

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I think a good response to 1f4 is1...e5 (from's gambit), if 2.fxe d6 3.exd Bxd6 and black has very good compensation for the pawn due to the weakness on f2, you're opponent can also decline the pawn with 2e4 wich transposes into a king's gambit but that's nothing to worry about. In from's gambit accepted line play usually gets very complicated it's and quite fun.Oh and you should try examining your losses not your wins.

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Generally it is more important to examine your losses, but you can also mprove by examining your wins as well. I do not play the kings indian, so feel free to question my judgement.

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.chessatwork.com"]
[Date "2006.09.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "mathmo"]
[Black "nickhawker"]
[WhiteRating "1323"]
[BlackRating "1224"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "2506284"]

1. f4 Ng8f6
2. d4 g6 (what was the point
3. c4 d6
4. Ng1f3 Bf8g7
5. Nb1c3 O-O

Things you did right. You developed your pieces and safeguarded your king by castling. That said, iyou have the classic hypermoderntradeoff that your opponent now has a gargantuan cetner. What I really don't like is that you had control of e4 and you gave it away. The combination of f4 and d4 by white begs me to play Nf6 and d5 with a game very close to equality. What you get is the 4 pawns attack of the kings indian.

6. e4 c5 - you have to challenge that center somehow, and you can't play e5 like white normally does in the kings indian.

7. e5 Nf6h5
8. Bf1d3 Nb8c6
9. g4 Bc8xg4 - white starts dropping pieces and the game is over.
10. h3 Bg4xf3
11. Qd1xf3 Nc6xd4 - a good two move combination to win a pawn.
12. Qf3g4 f5 - you are two pawns up, and your opponent has no serious threats, why are you openign lines to your king?

the rest really isn't worth commenting on

13. exf6 exf6
14. f5 Qd8e8
15. Nc3e4 Nd4xf5
16. Bc1f4 Nh5xf4
17. Qg4xf4 Bg7h6
18. Qf4f3 Nf5d4
19. Rh1g1 Nd4xf3 0-1

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