Game 1012781 This game was drawn. I was wondering what your thoughts on it are. Just really wanting a game analysis. Should it of been drawn?
Originally posted by Blitz00Black had it won, IMO.
Game 1012781 This game was drawn. I was wondering what your thoughts on it are. Just really wanting a game analysis. Should it of been drawn?
Will type analysis later if somebody doesn't beat me to it. To busy now, unfortunately.
Originally posted by Blitz00No, it shouldn't have been drawn. White's position is extremely difficult. If you can exchange a rook, it's over (not quickly but eventually). 32....Rb8 should unravel his position nicely by forcing the exchange or you get the passed pawn.
Game 1012781 This game was drawn. I was wondering what your thoughts on it are. Just really wanting a game analysis. Should it of been drawn?
Originally posted by buffalobillRb8 seems a good starting move. But how does this 'force the exchange or get the passed pawn' after Rd2?
No, it shouldn't have been drawn. White's position is extremely difficult. If you can exchange a rook, it's over (not quickly but eventually). 32....Rb8 should unravel his position nicely by forcing the exchange or you get the passed pawn.
Originally posted by buffalobillHere is a line that could serve as a starter to find improvements on both sides:
Too true. I didn't look at that. Hmm, difficult, but I feel Black must have the advantage but if only he can get the exchange.
32. ... Rb8 33.Rd2 Rc4 the rook has activity both horizontally and vertically on this square.
34.h3 white tries to maintain status quo with the pieces
34. ... Rb3! 35.Re2 Kf5 the king can safely come in, the black pieces are tied
36.Rd2 Ke4 37.g4 otherwise black would play h4 (but how bad is that?)
37. ... Rb5 38.Kg3?! (perhaps staying in the back e.g. Kf1 is better)
38. ... h5 39.gxh5 Rg4+! 40.Kh2 (Kh4 loses to Kf3+) Kf3 looks promising for black.