Nakamura (2657 U.S.) versus Krishnan Sasikirin (2642-India) at Sigeman tournament just played 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5?! After 2...Nc6, The Nak coyly slid his bishop to c4. Would Krishnan be lured into the deadly Fool's Mate Variation? 'Fraid not. Bad news for Patzers. The Indian grandmaster, who is 24 years old, managed to avoid the subtle manoeuver and win in 70+ moves. Just as well. If the Nak had won, the black double epawn players (a surly bunch at best) would have to face millions of Qh5's and be forced to rifle through their tattered MCO's for an appropriate response. I can see all the Ruy fanatics sneering now. Knights before bishops before rooks before queens or be damned forever in end game hell!
Nakamura,Hikaru - Sasikiran,Krishnan
Sigeman Chess Tournament 2005(7) 2005/4/22
1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 Nf6 5. Ne2 Bg7 6. Nbc3 d6 7. d3 Bg4 8. Qg3 Qd7 9. f3 Be6 10. Bg5 Nh5 11. Qh4 h6 12. Be3 Na5 13. Bb3 Nxb3 14. axb3 a6 15. d4 Qe7 16. Qf2 exd4 17. Bxd4 Nf6 18. O-O-O O-O-O 19. Nf4 Rhg8 20. Rhe1 Kb8 21. Kb1 g5 22. Nfe2 Rge8 23. g4 Qf8 24. Ng3 Nd7 25. Be3 Qh8 26. Nge2 Be5 27. h4 Qg7 28. Rh1 Nf6 29. Bd4 Nd7 30. Qe3 Qf6 31. hxg5 hxg5 32. Bxe5 Qxe5 33. Rh5 Rg8 34. Nd5 Rde8 35. Qc1 Qg7 36. Ne3 Nf6 37. Rh2 Rh8 38. Rg2 Nd7 39. Nd4 Rh3 40. c4 Qf6 41. Rf2 Reh8 42. b4 Qe5 43. c5 dxc5 44. bxc5 Nxc5 45. Qc3 f6 46. Rc2 Na4 47. Qb4 Bd7 48. Nb3 Rh1 49. Rxh1 Rxh1 50. Ka2 Nb6 51. Qf8 Qe8 52. Qxe8 Bxe8 53. Nc5 Nd7 54. Nxd7 Bxd7 55. Kb3 Re1 56. Rc3 Be6 57. Kc2 Re2 58. Kc1 a5 59. Nc2 Rf2 60. Nd4 Bd7 61. Rc5 b6 62. Rd5 Kc8 63. e5 fxe5 64. Rxe5 c5 65. Nb3 Rf1 66. Kd2 a4 67. Nxc5 bxc5 68. Rxc5 Kb7 69. Rxg5 Rxf3 70. Rd5 Be6 71. Rd3 Rf1 72. Rg3 Rf2 73. Kc3 Kb6 74. Kb4 Rf4 75. Ka3 Kb5 76. Re3 Bd5 77. Rd3 Bc4 78. Re3 Rd4 79. g5 Rd1 80. b3 axb3 81. Re8 Ra1 82. Kb2 Ra2 83. Kc3 Rc2 84. Kd4 b2 85. Rb8 Ka4 86. g6 Bb5 87. g7 b1Q
Originally posted by buddy2This is Scholars mate, Fool's mate is 1g4 e5 2 f3 Qh4++
Nakamura (2657 U.S.) versus Krishnan Sasikirin (2642-India) at Sigeman tournament just played 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5?! After 2...Nc6, The Nak coyly slid his bishop to c4. Would Krishnan be lured into the deadly Fool's Mate Variation? 'Fraid not. ...
I tryed looking it up, MCO has no advice about 2 Qh5, since it even mentions Damiano's opening (p.148 footnote n) it means that the move (1. e4 e5 2. Qh2) is so bad they couldn't be bothered to put in a line of play. 2 Nf6 chases away the queen and gives black the difficult task of working out how to use the initiative which you don't normally expect to have by the 3rd move ...
Originally posted by buddy2That's INCREDIBLE!!! Good thing he lost!
Nakamura (2657 U.S.) versus Krishnan Sasikirin (2642-India) at Sigeman tournament just played 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5?! After 2...Nc6, The Nak coyly slid his bishop to c4. Would Krishnan be lured into the deadly Fool's Mate Variation? 'Fraid not. Bad news for Patzers. The Indian grandmaster, who is 24 years old, managed to avoid the subtle manoeuver and win in ...[text shortened]... g now. Knights before bishops before rooks before queens or be damned forever in end game hell!