Originally posted by morgskiWell done morgski !!
This is as good as it will ever get for me:
First ever win over 2000+ opposition
Successful use of Danish Gambit (and a Rook sac)
An attempt at Pillsbury's mate that morphed into a monster-pin
A gentleman of an opponent
[pgn][Event "Clan league"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2011.08.18"] [EndDate "2011.09.19"] [Round "?"] [White "morgski" ...[text shortened]... 7xg7 {game over, I'll spare you the extended end-game} 1-0[/pgn]
I don't accept the danish often, as I am not well practiced at its defence when playing black and hence took it on, to severe consequences.
It was indeed the rook sac that saw me off, and good risk paid off on your part.
I'm fairly known for intimidating sacs somewhat often, and I therefore appreciate fully the extent of early damage this opening endeared to my crucifixion.
Good reading on your part, good knowledge of your opening and its intent, and a well mannered game sets you in good stead for more of this.
Well done again!!
Originally posted by VelvetEarsMike, thanks again for such a good game and the encouragement on the way through. Just out of interest, what was the possible exchange you mentioned instead of 15. Nf7?
Very nice, loved the position for white after 12 moves. A brilliant advert for the Danish gambit.
Just out of curiosity did you consider 21 Rf3 threatening Rg3?
[fen]5rk1/ppp2r1p/2n4p/3B4/8/5R2/PB3PPP/6K1 [/fen]
Can't quite see a path for black to wriggle out of this
Velvetears, I did consider 21. Rf3, but was worried about Ne7, which would have put pressure on the d5 bishop and been able to follow up with Ng6 after Rg3. I think I would have been forced to swap off, leaving me a pawn down. I was also worried about the back-rank mate potential of my King, so I brought the g-pawn forward instead.
Originally posted by morgskiYou wouldn't have been forced to swap off.. you now have two of his pieces pinned and the other one is defending one of the pinned pieces!
Mike, thanks again for such a good game and the encouragement on the way through. Just out of interest, what was the possible exchange you mentioned instead of 15. Nf7?
Velvetears, I did consider 21. Rf3, but was worried about Ne7, which would have put pressure on the d5 bishop and been able to follow up with Ng6 after Rg3. I think I would have been for ...[text shortened]... worried about the back-rank mate potential of my King, so I brought the g-pawn forward instead.
Originally posted by tomtom232I can see your reasoning, but the whole idea was to keep both Rooks on the f-file to keep the King flight squares to a minimum, and to do that my Rook also had to stay on the f-file... 🙂
You wouldn't have been forced to swap off.. you now have two of his pieces pinned and the other one is defending one of the pinned pieces!
[pgn] [FEN "5rk1/ppp2r1p/2n4p/3B4/8/5R2/PB3PPP/6K1 b"]
1...Ne7 2. Rg3 Ng6 3. f4 Rd8 {3...Re8 is bad because the king needs e8 as a flight square in some lines} 4.Bb3[/pgn]
Originally posted by morgski
I can see your reasoning, but the whole idea was to keep both Rooks on the f-file to keep the King flight squares to a minimum, and to do that my Rook also had to stay on the f-file... 🙂
[pgn] [FEN "5rk1/ppp2r1p/2n4p/3B4/8/5R2/PB3PPP/6K1 b"] 1...Ne7 2. Rg3 Ng6 3. f4 Rd8 4.Bb3 Kf8 5.Ba3 Kg7 {I see this advantage lost because black can now play for the perpetual Kg7 Kf8} [/pgn]
19 Sep 11
Originally posted by morgskiNice game.
This is as good as it will ever get for me:
First ever win over 2000+ opposition
Successful use of Danish Gambit (and a Rook sac)
An attempt at Pillsbury's mate that morphed into a monster-pin
A gentleman of an opponent
[pgn][Event "Clan league"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2011.08.18"] [EndDate "2011.09.19"] [Round "?"] [White "morgski" ...[text shortened]... 7xg7 {game over, I'll spare you the extended end-game} 1-0[/pgn]
As for me as black, I always accept the Danish. I accept all gambits.
Anyway, in the Danish, I avoid 5 . . . Nf6 and instead do 5 . . . d5 (or even 5 . . . Nc6) and while the game may still be tricky at times, I don't seem to have a problem generally in at least getting the draw as black.
In CC, I seem to generally be able to accept and refute the Danish. In blitz, it may be a different story.
Again, nice game. Very well played. And I liked your annotations.
Originally posted by tomtom232The point is that the knight has nowhere to move... just wanted to point that out as well as bump this. I've been having a good time analysing these... thanks for the positions morgski.
[pgn] [FEN "5rk1/ppp2r1p/2n4p/3B4/8/5R2/PB3PPP/6K1 b"] 1...Ne7 2. Bb3 b6 3.Bf6 Ng6 {again because if the R8 moves then 4.Bh4... but now} 4.g4 {to stop ...h5 after h4} c5 {not much else to play} 5. h4 [/pgn]