Game 7119552
Better than a Grandmaster! I can beat the top engines (As long as they get banned before I lose). Is there any sweeter win than winning by default?
In USCF OTB I have drawn Masters several times, but have never won a game. Twice I have been a piece up, and they demonstrated why they are Masters and I am not,
As draws go, my nicest one was against NM Phil Collier in the Virginia State Championship back in the 90's. It was in September, and the previous July Phil had beaten GM Larry Christiansen in the World Open, so it was a "Kevin Bacon-esque" kind of moment.
On the negative side, I was up a bishop with queens and rooks still on the board in an open position, and he had two extra pawns. He offered a draw, and I chickened out and took it, partly out greed for rating points. Back then I was endgame-ignorant, and I probably would have lost anyway, but nowadays I am much more comfortable staying on top of the horse until the bucking stops.
Originally posted by @uzlessInteresting game. As close as i have come was: 1988 - GM Maia Chiburdanidze. She played into a line of the Caro Kann I'd prepared, and I went 37 moves against her in a simultaneous exhibition, this allowed me to last longer than almost everyone else there.
as close as i have come....any thoughts?
Game 6077051
I felt honored to just occupy the same room as her!
Originally posted by @mchillI went 43 moves against Larry Evans in simul in Denver back in the day. Totally out of my depth of course. First time I ever played a GM in any venue, in fact had only been playing a few months, at a one year tech school at Lowrey AFB in Denver. I knew practically nothing about openings and was playing pure intuition, at least he didn't bagel me🙂
Interesting game. As close as i have come was: 1988 - GM Maia Chiburdanidze. She played into a line of the Caro Kann I'd prepared, and I went 37 moves against her in a simultaneous exhibition, this allowed me to last longer than almost everyone else there.
I felt honored to just occupy the same room as her!