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Help in analyzing this game? It was drawn.

Help in analyzing this game? It was drawn.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.09.26"]
[EndDate "2012.11.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "sonhouse"]
[Black "willibrordus"]
[WhiteRating "1648"]
[BlackRating "1356"]
[WhiteElo "1648"]
[BlackElo "1356"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "9553654"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Ng1f3 d6 4. d4 g5 5. h4 f6 6. Nf3xg5 fxg5 7. Q ...[text shortened]... 8. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 69. Kb2a2 Kb6a6 70. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 71. Kb2a2 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
looked at it for few seconds... seemed drawn

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Originally posted by queenabber
looked at it for few seconds... seemed drawn
Pretty much what I said but there were blunders on both sides, wondered what each one of us could have done better?

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15. Qe2 and finally take that knight out on the a file?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.09.26"]
[EndDate "2012.11.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "sonhouse"]
[Black "willibrordus"]
[WhiteRating "1648"]
[BlackRating "1356"]
[WhiteElo "1648"]
[BlackElo "1356"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "9553654"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Ng1f3 d6 4. d4 g5 5. h4 f6 6. Nf3xg5 fxg5 7. Q ...[text shortened]... 8. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 69. Kb2a2 Kb6a6 70. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 71. Kb2a2 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I haven't had much experience with the King's Gambit. The first time it came up on RHP I had been looking at "My 60 Memorable Games" by Bobby Fischer. The 18th game had Fischer playing Black against Spassky in a King's Gambit opening. After Fischer's third move, he writes the following:

This loss spurred me to look for a "refutation" of the King's Gambit, which I published in the American Chess Quarterly, Vol. 1 (1961), No. 1. The right move is 3...P-Q3!

This is now known as the Fischer Defense and is what your opponent played and what I played in the 34th game I finished on RHP, which I won. It is GameId 8325850. Game 8325850 However, my opponent played 4.Bc4 instead of your 4.d4 and we do not want Black to win anyway, since you are playing White.

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Originally posted by hunterknox
15. Qe2 and finally take that knight out on the a file?
I think you mean 16 Q e2 which would have been better since it saves the rook but the knight gets away at b6.

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Help in Analyzing this game? It was drawn.

Question: Where is the link to this game?
So many mistakes, and nothing constructive.

After 31. Kc2-b3..
31.. Re2-e1 is the finishing touch. Since 32. Kc2 is reputed by 32..Bxc3; 33. Ra2 Bxb4 is totally
hopeless for White. 2 pawns down plus Rook vs. Knight fight.

Game # ?? ( no game link..)

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Originally posted by jcmessy
Help in Analyzing this game? It was drawn.

Question: Where is the link to this game?
So many mistakes, and nothing constructive.

After 31. Kc2-b3..
31.. Re2-e1 is the finishing touch. Since 32. Kc2 is reputed by 32..Bxc3; 33. Ra2 Bxb4 is totally
hopeless for White. 2 pawns down plus Rook vs. Knight fight.

[fen]8/pppk3p/5b2/8/PP3B2/1KP3P1/4r3/RN4r1 b -- 31[/fen]
Game # ?? ( no game link..)
You are helping the wrong side. We want White to win.

GameId "9553654" Game 9553654

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I think you mean 16 Q e2 which would have been better since it saves the rook but the knight gets away at b6.
No. He means 15.Qe2 then if 15...Re8 16.bxa5 or if 15...Nc4 16.Qxc4

Also 17.Qe2 as you know was a big mistake. Either 17.Be2 or Kf2 is better.

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But the Player on the White side ( Who Posted this Game ) has 292 Points more than
the Black Side. So obviously, Black was inferior here. 🙂
You don't Post an embarrassing game like this? It don't help the viewer at all.
Game 9553654

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Originally posted by jcmessy
But the Player on the White side ( Who Posted this Game ) has [b]292 Points more than
the Black Side. So obviously, Black was inferior here. 🙂
You don't Post an embarrassing game like this? It don't help the viewer at all.
Game 9553654[/b]

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Originally posted by sonhouse
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.09.26"]
[EndDate "2012.11.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "sonhouse"]
[Black "willibrordus"]
[WhiteRating "1648"]
[BlackRating "1356"]
[WhiteElo "1648"]
[BlackElo "1356"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "9553654"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Ng1f3 d6 4. d4 g5 5. h4 f6 6. Nf3xg5 fxg5 7. Q ...[text shortened]... 8. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 69. Kb2a2 Kb6a6 70. Ka2b2 Ka6b6 71. Kb2a2 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
After 36...Ka6 you missed a mate with 37.Ra1+ Kb5 38.Ra5#

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i think black would of won

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Originally posted by tim88
i think black would of won

[fen] 8/8/k7/2p5/p1P5/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1[/fen][fen]8/8/k7/2p5/p1P5/K7/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen][fen]8/8/8/k1p5/p1P5/K7/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen][fen] 8/8/8/k1p5/p1P5/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1[/fen][fen]8/8/8/2p5/pkP5/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
But that depends on white making the Ka3 move, which they didnt do because they knew it would have put the in a losing position. Hence the peek-a-boo behind the pawn.

w - Ka2-a3???

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Originally posted by IDrinkYourMilkshake
But that depends on white making the Ka3 move, which they didnt do because they knew it would have put the in a losing position. Hence the peek-a-boo behind the pawn.

w - Ka2-a3???
ok yes it's a draw 4sure

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