First off,the gamescore was restored only up to move 11.I completed the rest from memory but I think I got it right.
6.... o-o I was aiming for a Tarrasch defense so first thought was to capture reaching a normal Tarrasch position (possible weak isolated d-pawn for greater mobility) .But I got this castling idea instead,if White captures on e6 I will trade queens and get a massive lead in development at the cost of a pawn.
If White doesn't capture I can still get the same isolated d-pawn position.Seemed ok to me.
10.... Rac8 Here I took stock and thought "I have castled and developed 5 pieces vs white's 1.Surely I must be doing great!
However,I cannot see a way to cause white real trouble.Can it really be he's ok here?
11.... a6? The idea is to follow up with b5,gain space on the queenside and stiffle white's counterplay there and provide an escape for my bishop to a7 in the event of a white Na4.But it might be just a waste of time.Probably best is to continue with 11.... Rfd8
13.... Ba7? Weird.Probably played that because I was thinking about it at move 11 and it still stuck in the back of my mind.That happens quite often to me.More natural is 13.... Bb6.
15.0-0 Taking stock again.My army is fully developed but white has managed to castle and developed all his he has caught up nicely.I'm still a pawn down and I don't see any possibility to create threats.
What looked as a promising opening scheme has failed miserably!I do not really have any ideas how to continue now.I think I'm in trouble.
18.Rfd1? An error.Protecting the bishop like that costs the exchange.The gods favor me today!
18.... Bb3 White resigns.A bit premature I think but I'm not complaining.
So where did I go wrong?
Could I have done more with my lead in development?
Was the whole concept of the pawnsac wrong?
Or was my play sound throughout without me knowing it?
edit: what's wrong with the pgn?
Originally posted by AjuinThe pawn sac seems justified. White's development is retarded enough that black can apply pressure for quite a while, and pressure is what gambits are about.
First off,the gamescore was restored only up to move 11.I completed the rest from memory but I think I got it right.
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame"]
[Date "2009.12.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "hrast"]
[Black "Ajuin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D30"]
[PlyCount "36"]
[EventDate "2009.??.??"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. e3 Nf6 4. oughout without me knowing it?
edit: what's wrong with the pgn?
But I don't like 11...a6 because it's a slow process. I agree with you that white can squirm out with proper play at the end. White cracked to pressure nonetheless.
At first I thought 11...Rfd8 is good and that black can deal with 12.b4 Bd6 13.Nb5 Bb8 or Be5 but alas the natural 11...Rfd8 doesn't produce the best for black in the long run.
The unnatural 11...Na5, however takes immediate advantage of white's sore points, hitting on b3 and inhibiting white's rook. The beauty of it is that black can't play 12.b4 Nb3 13.Rd1 Nxd2 14.Rxd2 Bxb4.
Originally posted by RegicidalAh!In the event of 11.... Rfd8 12.b4 I had prepared the stunning 12...Nxb4?! and then I figured 13.axb4 Bxb4 14.Ne4 Rxd2 15.Nxd2 Ne4 16.Ngf3 Bg4 17.Be2 Bxf3 18.Bxf3 Nxd2 19.Ke2 Nxf3 20.Kxf3 a5 when I would try to prove the 2 passed pawns compensate for the exchange.But it looked rubbish and I know from experience my stunning ideas usually end in crushing defeats so I chose a different path.
The pawn sac seems justified. White's development is retarded enough that black can apply pressure for quite a while, and pressure is what gambits are about.
But I don't like 11...a6 because it's a slow process. I agree with you that white can squirm out with proper play at the end. White cracked to pressure nonetheless.
At first I thought 11...Rfd8 ...[text shortened]... te's rook. The beauty of it is that black can't play 12.b4 Nb3 13.Rd1 Nxd2 14.Rxd2 Bxb4.
Agreed 11.... a6 is too slow.When speed is of the essence you don't stop to blow your nose.
Your 11.... Na5 12.b4 line never occured to me.Looks pretty neat!
Thanks for the input 🙂