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Home Made Chess Digital Watch

Home Made Chess Digital Watch

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Does anybody know how to make a home-made digital chess clock?

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Originally posted by hipercandombe
Does anybody know how to make a home-made digital chess clock?
All you need are two digital clocks and a switch that lets only one run at a time.

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You might be able to use a certain type of stopwatch that keeps multiple times on it. That way, with a click of a button, you can cycle through "time 1" and "time 2"

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I doubt it would be very difficult, but my latest clock was only $30. At that price, there is little reason to build your own, especially since you get delay, movecounts etc. with the purchased version.

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Originally posted by zebano
I doubt it would be very difficult, but my latest clock was only $30. At that price, there is little reason to build your own, especially since you get delay, movecounts etc. with the purchased version.
He's right; you can get a good clock fairly cheap. In fact, I'll sell you one, but you'd have to have it fixed. 😛

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Well...It´ll be cheap if you live at the States and your earnings are in dollars,,,,,
I live in Argentina and earn in pesos....(about 1 U$S= $3,1)
And there is a lot of shipping cost too!!!!!!
So a U$S 22 Saitek will rise up to U$S 100....

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Originally posted by hipercandombe
Well...It´ll be cheap if you live at the States and your earnings are in dollars,,,,,
I live in Argentina and earn in pesos....(about 1 U$S= $3,1)
And there is a lot of shipping cost too!!!!!!
So a U$S 22 Saitek will rise up to U$S 100....
http://www.chesshouse.com/help_answer.asp?ID=26 has good prices, and does ship to Argentina. The price may still be prohibitive, as you mentioned.

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Originally posted by hipercandombe
Well...It´ll be cheap if you live at the States and your earnings are in dollars,,,,,
I live in Argentina and earn in pesos....(about 1 U$S= $3,1)
And there is a lot of shipping cost too!!!!!!
So a U$S 22 Saitek will rise up to U$S 100....
There isn't one chess store in Argentina? Try these clubs, someone should be able to point you in the right direction:




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Thanks Wuleburg.
Personally I can afford a 30 U$S Chess Clock. But It would have been grat to know how to make them and have 15 done for a chess club.

Argentine chess sucks...There are few clubs and few tournaments.
I live in Neuquen city and there is no club or federation.

So I wanted to start one.

Thanks for helping me



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