School doesn't take all your time.
If it does...then get a life.
Why waste all that time becoming
Just to work 80 hours a week?
Life is too short to work all the time, only to find out your wife is sleeping with guys like me who do carpentry.
Get a life dude.
If your schooling is high school or less....then your just lazy and I outa kick yer ass for wasting my time.
Originally posted by chessiswarbut I want to be successful 🙁
School doesn't take all your time.
If it does...then get a life.
Why waste all that time becoming
Just to work 80 hours a week?
Life is too short to work all the time, only to find out your wife is sleeping with guys like me who do carpentry.
Get a life dude.
If your schooling is high school or less....then your just lazy and I outa kick yer ass for wasting my time.
Originally posted by chessiswarFirst chess is vanity, now it's war. Chess is changing much too quickly, I can't keep up! I'm so confused! And it's all your fault!!! 😛
And all those dudes who are gunna post saying "nobility" or that i'm a "user" or "golddigger" it.
You're just mad that you still have to work.