This has always been a mystery to me. Is there enough money available in book deals, tournament prize money and Patrion sites to allow one to pay for food, shelter and clothing? Through the years I've read dozens of articles from I.M.s about regional and national tournaments, on rare occasion they speak of sleeping on someone's couch, in someone's basement or even in a closet during a tournament. I'm sure G.M.s live a little better, but the life of an I.M. sounds like a rough one. Any information would be appreciated.
@mchill saidI can only report for a small smaple of german IM's all from whom I know (mostly in the vicinity of Karlsruhe) have a (at least partial) day job and play chess aside.
This has always been a mystery to me. Is there enough money available in book deals, tournament prize money and Patrion sites to allow one to pay for food, shelter and clothing? Through the years I've read dozens of articles from I.M.s about regional and national tournaments, on rare occasion they speak of sleeping on someone's couch, in someone's basement or even in a closet ...[text shortened]... ittle better, but the life of an I.M. sounds like a rough one. Any information would be appreciated.
After looking up a few more German IM's in the wikipedia it seems that this is rather the rule than the exception (working ina bread job and playing chess aside).
@ogb saidThat's a level above I.M., though. That said, I think most of the things in there are similar for them, only at a lower level. Teaching, being paid by semi-professional clubs, winning (in their case minor, but still) tournaments, and having second jobs.
These days, streaming, apparently, but you have to have the personality to pull that off. I certainly wouldn't even if my chess were any good.
It all depends on your age, IM’s and GM’s are younger these days
because they still live with mum and dad.
Over 18 with a job then the time you can devout to the game becomes limited.
You could of course stay unemployed, live on benefit and chess lessons and what
ever you can pick up on prize money.
You will also need, and this is where most of all you will come unstuck,
a girlfriend who has a job. Hence the joke...
Q. What do you call am I.M. without a girlfriend?
A. Homeless.