The first note to Talbro - Lassen Talbro RHP 2022 reminded me of an almost identical tactical situation that could have arisen in Fischer--Trifunovic (Bled, 1961). The diagram shows the position after 16...Rf8-f6:
In My 60 Memorable Games, Fischer notes that 17.Bg5 Rg6 18.h4 h6 19.Qh5 would lose material to 19...Qe8, because 20.Bxe7 would be answered by 20...Rxg2+ and 21...Qxh5.
However, in the RHP game, ...Qxh5 would be followed by Bxf8, leading to rough material equality in the form of Q+P for two rooks.
I got the skinny on why Carlsen dropped out of the tournament. Naka thought it would be funny to put some LSD in Carlsen's morning coffee. Magnus was tripping balls during the third round, couldn't understand the waves rolling on the board, was distracted and lost. He withdrew out of shame. He's hoping the flashbacks stop in a few months. If Magnus said anything Naka would be jailed along with Carlsen.
A leprechaun told me of this while I was on peyote.
@gambrel saidI too once tried playing on acid; I kept seeing diagonals which weren’t there. I knew they could not be there, but I was seeing them anyway; a very perplexing hallucination. I cannot now describe what I then thought I saw, but it disrupted my thoughts so significantly that I abandoned the game.
Tried it?
Peyote, yes, I associated with Native Americans that introduced me to it.
Acid, yes
Chess on acid, won my first city championship tripping balls. Lucky for me he fell victim to an opening trap I had been studying for quite a while.