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I was hammered. Need advise

I was hammered. Need advise

Only Chess

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Hello - A pawn push by my much stronger opponent kicked out my king side knight, and left my king open for a nasty attack. I resigned before I was mated, but wondered what I could have done to prevent this. Any thoughts would be welcome.

I'll work on getting the actual links to games over to the forum section this weekend. It's been a long work week!

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Bc1f4 Ng8f6 5. e3 e6 6. Ng1f3 Bf8b4 7. Nb1d2 Nb8c6 8. a3 Bb4d6 9. Nf3e5 O-O 10. Bf1d3 Bd6c7 11. Ra1c1 Nc6xe5 12. dxe5 Nf6d7 13. Nd2f3 a6 14. Bd3xh7 1-0

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Full game below:

That wasn't a pawn push that kicked your Knight, it was a recapture,
you had actually helped your opponent out by making this trade.

2200+ is perhaps a little too strong, stray away from those until you are above 2000 yourself!

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Originally posted by @64squaresofpain
Full game below:

[pgn][Event "Open invite"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2017.06.17"] [EndDate "2017.07.30"] [Round "?"] [White "WarningYouWillLose"] [Black "mchill"] [WhiteRating "2251"] [BlackRating "1680"] [WhiteElo "2251"] [BlackElo "1680"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "12258658"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Bc1f4 Ng8f6 5. e3 e6 ...[text shortened]...
2200+ is perhaps a little too strong, stray away from those until you are above 2000 yourself!
OK. Instead of 11.... Nxe5 what would have been a better move?

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The first sin was here with Black to play.

Black wanted to chop the e5 Knight but Nxe5 pawn-forked d6 and f6.
So Black played 10...Bc7 and then Nxe5. 10...Bxe5 was a better move.

10....Bc7 gave White an attack tempo (Rc1 allowing a later Bb1 and Qc2)

Here (Black to play ) was the huge sin.

Black played 13...a6 when 13...h6 had to be played.

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Here is my two cents: (It's not an advice from an expert, which I'm not! Just read them as my probable thought process in this situation, though I admit I might have made the same mistake as yours)

I think the idea of getting rid of the white's knight on e5 was sound, but maybe fortifying your kingside by maneuvering your knight from c6 to g6 could be a better move than Bc7. It blocks white's bishop and keeps challenging the knight on e5. Also together with the knight on f6 they control many important squares on the kingside.

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I published some annotations of the game for you. Go to "community> annotated games" section of RHP and look for your game. Did you see that already?

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You need to read the book "Combinations and traps in the opening" by Boris Vainstein.

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Originally posted by @moonbus
I published some annotations of the game for you. Go to "community> annotated games" section of RHP and look for your game. Did you see that already?
Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Originally posted by @vandervelde
You need to read the book "Combinations and traps in the opening" by Boris Vainstein.
Any idea on how to get the book in English?

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Originally posted by @eladar
Any idea on how to get the book in English?
On E-bay it was possible to buy used copy- I have Serbocroat translation from seventies. Is French version acceptable?

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Originally posted by @vandervelde
On E-bay it was possible to buy used copy- I have Serbocroat translation from seventies. Is French version acceptable?
Don't speak French, solamente espanol, pero solamente un poco.

Would this be the book?


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I am not sure.

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Here is my attempt at being like WarningYouWillLose

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Originally posted by @eladar
Here is my attempt at being like WarningYouWillLose


1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Bc1f4 Nb8c6 5. e3 e6 6. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 7. Nb1d2 Bf8e7 8. a3 a6 9. Bf1d3 O-O 10. Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 11. dxe5 Nf6d7 12. Qd1h5 g6 13. Qh5h6 Qd8e8 14. Nd2f3 Nd7c5 15. Bd3c2 Nc5e4 16. Bc2xe4 dxe4 17. Bf4g5 exf3 18. Bg5f6 Be7xf6 19. exf6 1-0

I always feel that my attacks are simply brute force and awkwardness.

I thought my attack was off when my opponent played Be7, but his Qe8 really helped me out. But even so, f6 instead of taking the knight and I'm not sure if I could force the mate.

So any suggestions on how to better mount the attack would be appreciated.

If he played f6 I planned to take with my bishop to open the h5 square for my knight.

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Originally posted by @eladar
I always feel that my attacks are simply brute force and awkwardness.

I thought my attack was off when my opponent played Be7, but his Qe8 really helped me out. But even so, f6 instead of taking the knight and I'm not sure if I could force the mate.

So any suggestions on how to better mount the attack would be appreciated.

If he played f6 I planned to take with my bishop to open the h5 square for my knight.
The dark squares around black's king is quite weak, so I think Ng5 instead of Bg5 would have been more crushing, since it forces black to exchange his dark squared bishop for your knight and after the rather forced move f5 by black, your bishop goes to f6 where it would be well-placed, completely unopposed (black dark squared bishop was the only piece to challenge yours) and also well-protected by the pawn on e5.

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