move howler followed by immediate resignation. Naka resigned 34 moves later.
Naka played 62...g5 here allowing Carsen a protected passed pawn with 63. h5
This is something you should avoid if you can - giving players protected passers.
Yes Naka should know better and it is bad but not quite Blunder of the Year material.
White now has the option of trading Rooks and can face them up anytime to gain a
file of allow the White King to become very active as any attempt to cut it off can be
met with an invite to trade Rooks as the B.K. must stay within range of the h-pawn..
Watch how Magnus used this 'you cannot swap Rooks' ploy to
get his King out of the Kingside and then across the c-file.
Originally posted by @rookorbycrook
what was the look on Nakamuras face on move 96 kg6 ???
Like he wanted to throw up
Sorry, but there is NO excuse for a player of Nakamura's caliber to throw away a position like this. All he had to do was keep his King-side pawns exactly where they were, give up the a-pawn(which wasn't going anywhere)to activate his rook. If Magnus started pushing pawns, Naka would trade every one offered. Magnus would find it nearly impossible to win such a position.
Some more details about this game.
Apparently Naka's 62...g5 was not the losing move.
It was giving up the a-pawn a few moves later that did it.
(blunders come in two's)
MVL was also playing in this event at St, Louis.
Naka's g5 may have brought back a painful memory.
G. Gajewski - M. Vachier-Lagrave Reykjavik Open 2013
Here ...
MVL played 44....g5. 45.h5
which is the same pawn set up as the Carlsen - Naka game.
MVL also lost.
Carlsen makes that look really easy, nice play. I bet Magnus was pleased to win that, not just as he tied for first place but it also meant his no.1 rating is a bit harder to catch. Not sure what the schedule is for him in the coming months, but i know Caruana is playing in the Olympiad. Caruana could concievably start their WC match as world no.1! Now that would certainly be a turn up for the books.