I was playing blitz at club yesterday and as many of our games had gone, Dan didn't like my Petrov and allowed the common Nxe4 trick in the two knights. However he then followed up with Qe2 which actually had some bite.
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. Bc4 Nxe4 5. Qe2
I eventually won, but white had a nice attack for awhile.
We played through a couple of variations, but he was just interested in playing more, so I query you...
Can black hang onto the pawn or is white lead in development too great?
What is black's optimal continuation here.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI agree to liquidate the knight. Wouldn't 6... d6 be a better continuation though? Opening up the bishop diagonal and retaining a pawn at f7. Or were you thinking of castling queenside?
5...Nxc3 6.dxc3...f6 looks really solid for Black
[fen]r1bqkb1r/pppp2pp/2n2p2/4p3/2B5/2P2N2/PPP1QPPP/R1B1K2R w KQkq - 0 1[/fen]
Originally posted by Green PaladinNot much in it as far as I can tell, but yes - later ...0-0-0 seems very likely.
I agree to liquidate the knight. Wouldn't 6... d6 be a better continuation though? Opening up the bishop diagonal and retaining a pawn at f7. Or were you thinking of castling queenside?
Originally posted by Green Paladin6...f6 7.Be3...Ne7 8.0-0-0...c6 9.Rhe1(or 9.Bc5 Kranjek/Petek 1994 0-1)...d5
Doesn't 6... f6 weaken it further? Qh5+ at some stage looks ominous. Also, how else will the bishop develop without d6? A bishop fianchetto might be too slow considering Black is so far behind in development.
Black has spacial compensation. Whilst White must prove the lead in development is worth at least the pawn.
I'd be happy with that - it's got to be at least =
Originally posted by Squelchbelch
6...f6 7.Be3...Ne7 8.0-0-0...c6 9.Rhe1(or 9.Bc5 Kranjek/Petek 1994 0-1)...d5
Black has spacial compensation. Whilst White must prove the lead in development is worth at least the pawn.
I'd be happy with that - it's got to be at least =
[fen]r1bqkb1r/pp2n1pp/2p2p2/3pp3/2B5/2P1BN2/PPP1QPPP/2KRR3 w - - 0 1[/fen]
6... d6
7 Be3 Be7
8 0-0-0 0-0
9 Rhe1 Bg4
This looks more like equality to me.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI think that after 7. Nh4 Ne7 (to prevent problems after 8. Qh5+) 8. Bh6 black is quite bad. White is attacking, ready to castle long and black's position is pretty much cramped up. White is ready to play Bxg7 followed by Qh5 and the bishop cannot be recaptured because of Qh5. So 8. ... g6 9. Bxf8 Rxf8 and black is bad. If 8. ... Ng6 then 9. Qh5 and white can still play Bxg7. I don't like that position for black at all, though maybe I'm missing something.
5...Nxc3 6.dxc3...f6 looks really solid for Black
[fen]r1bqkb1r/pppp2pp/2n2p2/4p3/2B5/2P2N2/PPP1QPPP/R1B1K2R w KQkq - 0 1[/fen]
EDIT: Black still has 7. ... g6. Now 8. Nf5 doesn't work because of 8. ... d5! In this case black isn't that bad. For now I can't think of anyway to continue the attack. And the white knight on h4 isn't in a very good position.
EDIT2: In blitz it would be fun to play 7. Bh6 instantly. Black would probably recapture and the white should play the Nh4, Qh5 idea. If black doesn't recapture, white still has Bxg7, Nh4, Qh5.