Hello all, it's the first time I post. I would like to draw attention to 3 of my games I played recently. Hope you enjoy; I know I did. π
Game 1360888
Game 1356917
Game 1355359
In the first game, I believe my attack is very convincing if not flawless! To sacrifice like this one must see the key moves Nf4 and Qc7. Also, I kind of like the sense of my intuition on "sacking" the bishop; impossible to ask a computer to play such a move. Pure human touch!π Finally, I believe the final touch is kinda pretty. Tell me what you think gents!
In game "numero" 2, I just relish my sense of the initiative against material considerations. first a pawn, then the quality, and in some lines I sack at least another bishop and knight!π Again, no computer help needed here; I feel my Fritz shudder when I enter (after the game wiseguysπ) Qe7 on the screen. Never, ever he would think of that. Although far from perfect, I really lliked this game! The funny part is, I even ended up with quadrupled pawns for white in a variation I calculated which, although not great was certainly a possibility! Here goes : After 16... Ne4, white plays 17.d5?! I answer with 17... Qg5+, 18.Kb2 Nxf2 19.dxc6? (ok a little far-fetched, but I got here!) 19...Nxd1+ 20. Kb3 and here the remarkable Nc5+!! finishes the bashing...take a picture; this is rare! Oh, notice how fresh the White kingside pieces are; pawns and pieces included!!! π΅ π
Finally, the third game is just a gem in understanding the dynamism( ok, am not sure of this wordπ) of the black side in the French Winawer...everyone to your boards!π Again, please no one accuse me of cheating; my Fritz litterally laughed at me when I uncorked the amazing 21...Qxb3!! Never in a million years a program would suggest such a bold move...and yet; there it is!π² At the end, we both could try for the win; and we both could lose! It's really that complicated in the endgame resulting of Qxd4. Too risky for his blood!
To conclude, I would like to share with you a final game Game 1330356. This game seems to me to be played at a very interesting level. I can not detect a single bad move...seriously! Both sides really mastered attack, defence and counter-attack...a very nice sacrifice by my worthy opponent forces the game to a very logical and well fought draw. In fact, both our games are very well played draws! Nothing wrong with that.π
So, first game a bishop, in the second a pawn and the quality, and in the third 2 pawns and the queen; Can't say I'm a scardy cat!
Thank you for your opinions on my post, and no hard feelings to the players I mention in this post; I just wanted to share my enthousiasm. Thank you for being part of it! Good day/night to all, Mike2119.
Originally posted by mike21191. d4 should have been 1. e4. π
To conclude, I would like to share with you a final game Game 1330356. This game seems to me to be played at a very interesting level. I can not detect a single bad move...seriously! [/b]
Great games, I enjoyed watching them!
Since almost no one (thanks SeVeSπ) "dared" to comment on my games I feel compelled to add another one...hope you enjoy and let me know about it! Please no one be fooled by the rating of my very worthy opponent...he is rated around 2000 Fide and is a good friend of mine. He is very busy with many obligations in his life and I know this is the cause of his faulty play...but I really believe I found a great way to bring home the well-earned point. I really am proud of my manoeuvres!π Also, this continues my trend of sacrificing, a pawn for the initiative, and at the end I throw in the 2 rooks for good measure!!! Not bad, don't you agree? Thanks for the feedback, good day to all, Mike2119.
Game 1386778
P.s: I will not accept bashing of my worthy opponent; those who don't believe me, risk playing against him when he will be back (since now he is too busy)...then talk to me about it!π