Dantes might well be pro, he certainly plays better than anyone I've ever played against. In the two games I had against him a short while ago got a very educational, and very thorough beating! 🙂
I wish I could some day play at that level, though I suspect that that is not a realistic goal; I should have started chess much yonger than I did. But I think it's wonderful that on RHP, us "mere mortals" in chess may experience what it is to play someone who is, if not a pro, then at least very close to a pro.
in previous threads it seemed that ratings at rhp are about 100 lower than fide which is in turn nearly 100 lower than uscf.
if this is true then kasparov's 2800 Fide would be about 2700 here.
(unfortunately due to rounding errors in the calculation of ratings this would be impossible, but i am sure russ would fix this if a big K turned up)
also king dantes' rating is also clearly still on the rise.
but i think only a very, very few chess players can make it as pro players. the money is only right at the top. dantes would be a very good teacher of chess for almost anyone though!!
My rating on rhp bounces between 1150 and 1280. The west suburban chess club in my area has uscf rated players and I find that a 1200 rated player in my club plays better than a 1700 rated player on this site. Of course the ratings are only judged on the pool of players available. On occasion I can beat these players. Of course I beleve that alot of the higher ranked players doing well here, with days to consider a position and consult data bases would not do so well OTB in a G/20 or blitz.
I don't think that the rating system here is an accurate reflection of ratings. If you want to know your rating in the real world join a club and get into a tournament if it is important.
I do not imply that all players are over rated, some make there moves as fast as possible without data bases. The players who use the data bases may be hindering the ability to judge a correct rating system because they do not possess the same strengths of a tournament player OTB. The use of data bases does not bother me, I sometimes use them myself, I use this site to try out new openings and theory.
I certainly think Dantes is an international master if not a grand master and uses RHP to keep his mind focus (As I said, that's just my opinion) ...
I'll wait a little longer till my rating is (hopefully) just a touch higher and gonna find out for myself how many moves he'll need to brutally murder my king and castle lol...
Otherwise, I do think that these ratings are pretty good (especially of those players who played 50 or more games) and at the end of the day it's the good game that counts to me and not the rating
in terms of RHP ratings and actual ability, I really think it in large part depends on the amount of time one puts in, etc. Some people play rhp as sort of a doodling kind of thing -- eg. on the phone, bored, click over to rhp and make some moves on ten seconds of thought. Those people, I would imagine, are not playing at the strength they do OTB, or even "live" on other sites (FICS, ICC, etc. etc.). Even though I personally suck pretty hard OTB as well, for example, I definitely suck worse here. (Speaking as the person who just hung two rooks from two separate won games, one after another, in just one of those on-phone-bored move barrages).
i dont think he is a pro and this is based entirely on banter between ourselves in the game i am currently playing him. will ask him if is he on my next move.
his real name is Afro (only posted that coz i have seen it on the other thread about the Feivel t/o) so you might want to do a search on pro's with the first name afro.
Detective Gatecrasher here: His pic on GN shows he is xxxxxx. He has no FIDE rating, but has been an international arbiter (IA) for FIDE since 1993.
A google search reveals some Italian tournaments he has played in.
I read a thread on a GN Forum where he states work reasons for not playing there any more. We know better!
with all due respect tejo but i think u have that the wrong way round
if mr d wanted to remain anonymous then i very much doubt he would introduce himself using his REAL name during game play or post picture's of himself on websites.
as for the discussions well i suppose that is just fame really, i personally would be flattered (so long as the disscussion centered on chess related matters).
ps - i did not post anything that was not already there