While i agree her tournament performance wasn't that great this time around, i do think she should be invited again. There are a lot of young girls watching this tournament. The reason there are so few women players is that they have no role models in chess. We have Judit Polgar, that's it. One day, there will be a woman challenging for the world title, it is inevitable. Polgar showed that there is no genetic predisposition that makes men stronger, it is absolutely possible for a woman to compete at the highest levels. Ok Hou Yifan might not be that break through player, but at this present moment she is the best female player by far. She is 2680 fide, that is well inside the top 100 in the world. Just because she had a disappointing tournament is not a reason to exclude her. I think it is very important that women players can see that there is a route to the top if they make the grade.
Originally posted by @ketchuploverWhy would you say something so ridiculous? Would you say the same thing about Dreev who has the same rating and is more than twice her age?
Her non-chess life will soon outgrow her chess life imo.
Originally posted by @byedidiaNo, but you could say the same thing about, for example, Reuben Fine, whosr chess career declined when he went to university and became a professional psychologist. Hou intends to go to Oxford; her non-chess studies will take a lot of her time, as well. Her life, her choice.
Why would you say something so ridiculous? Would you say the same thing about Dreev who has the same rating and is more than twice her age?