...though I had to sac a Bishop, Knight and Rook to prove it.
Elsewhere on here I advocated playing the Jerome Gambit.
I practise what I preach in this very good natured four minute game.
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.6.18"]
[Round "?"]
[White "greenpawn34"]
[Black "Homedepotov"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 3. Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 4. Bc4xf7 Ke8xf7 5. Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 6. Qd1-h5 Kf7-e6 7. Qh5-f5 Ke6-d6 8. Nb1-c3 c7-c6 9. d2-d4 Bc5xd4 10. Bc1-e3 Bd4xe3 11. f2xe3 Qd8-f6 12. O-O-O Kd6-c7 13. Qf5-h3 d7-d5 14. Qh3-g3 d5xe4 15. Rh1-f1 Qf6-e7 16. Rf1-f7 Qe7xf7 17. Qg3xe5 Kc7-b6 18. Nc3-a4 Kb6-a6 19. Na4-c5 Ka6-b6 20. Nc5-a4 Kb6-a6 21. Na4-c5 Ka6-b6 22. Nc5-a4 Kb6-a6 1/2-1/2
Good fun - it's what the chess pieces were designed for.
Thank you Homedepotov for the compliment on my Rook sac.
I've not looked at it yet - I bet some wise guy is going to
show me a forced win when I took the perpetch.
Originally posted by greenpawn34jerome would be proud
...though I had to sac a Bishop, Knight and Rook to prove it.
Elsewhere on here I advocated playing the Jerome Gambit.
I practise what I preach in this very good natured four minute game.
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.6.18"]
[Round "?"]
[White "greenpawn34"]
[Black "Homedepotov"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. e ...[text shortened]... I bet some wise guy is going to
show me a forced win when I took the perpetch.
RIP jerome :'( :'( :'(
Originally posted by greenpawn34Craziest draw I ever saw! Thanks for it. 😀
...though I had to sac a Bishop, Knight and Rook to prove it.
Elsewhere on here I advocated playing the Jerome Gambit.
I practise what I preach in this very good natured four minute game.
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.6.18"]
[Round "?"]
[White "greenpawn34"]
[Black "Homedepotov"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. e ...[text shortened]... I bet some wise guy is going to
show me a forced win when I took the perpetch.
The Jerome is simply good fun.
Just enjoy the moment. I did.
Black should not be allowed to win unless he
sacs back three pieces.
An RHP member has pointed me towards....
I had no idea my MARS ATTACK game was there - nor my
'Masterly Analysis' (done with Todor Dimitrov).
A good site by the way - dedicated to the Jerome.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I'm all for fun, but this seems rather reckless compared with the Morra, Latvian & Traxler gambits because there appear to be several straightforward ways for Black to keep the material & repel the early attack.
The Jerome is simply good fun.
Just enjoy the moment. I did.
Black should not be allowed to win unless he
sacs back three pieces.
An RHP member has pointed me towards....
I had no idea my MARS ATTACK game was there - nor my
'Masterly Analysis' (done with Todor Dimitrov).
A good site by the way - dedicated to the Jerome.
I can see how it could easily cause chaos in a 5 minute blitz game though 🙂
but this seems rather reckless compared with the Morra, Latvian & Traxler gambits
I agree it is reckless - but at blitz it's OK.
The three openings you mentioned do not always supply
exciting chess.
The Morra - Black does not hold onto the pawn 3.c3 d3 ugh!
The Latvian 3.d4! and it's White who gets all the fun.
Compare this with the Vienna Gambit where White gets the same
position as Black in a VG a tempo up - it must be good.
You will see me taking down a Latvian with 3.d4
(heart breaking for me). 3.d4 is very close to a bust.
The Traxler is a blue moon opening. I have never had to face
4.Ng5 in a serious game (OK I hit them with the Latvian).
But you can wait months for 4.Ng5 to be played against you.
You have to hope to don't get a Lopez, Scotch etc and then
you need your opponent to play 4.Ng5 when d3 or d4 are playable.
All openings are capable of turning the board on fire. Even the
London system player has to get his hands tactically
dirty sometimes.
Yes I've played that a few times as well. Once against an IM
OTB. He looked astonished. So did I 22 moves later resigning.
But it's called the Muller Gambit. Give the inventor of this wonderful
opening the credit for being the first to play it.
If you really want to see them fall off the chair with laughter.
I've played this three times OTB with 3 wins.
I'm White
1.e4 Nf6 2.f3?! e5 f4!
and you have a pure Lativian Gambit in reverse.
(except they don't know it. They think they have a King's
Gambit a tempo up.)
If they don't play e5 (I faced 2...d6 & 2..c5) then you try and
swing the game into something where f3 comes in handy.
I have to admit though my score is less impressive if they
do not play 2...e5.