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Kings and Pawns -v- cohonas RHP 2011

Kings and Pawns -v- cohonas RHP 2011

Only Chess

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Kings and Pawns -v- cohonas RHP 2011.

I was playing a wee joke on DerJager in Thread 144535 and it got
all out of hand. So here is the game I promised I would ‘do’.

It’s not as dull as it first appears. I’ve found a few things sleeping in the background.
Of course only the players can confirm if I’m on the money.
I stay away from long variations. (If it’s long it’s wrong.).

The first 13 moves are theory. (as far as my DB is concerned.) So very
little comment there. Then I dive in.

21. Qe7 Variation.

My exchange sac.

14.14.Ne2!? Bxa1 15. Rxa1.

The Knight is going to g3-h5 to put the the squeeze the f6 Knight.
Things like h6 don’t work. 15…h6 16.Bxh6 gxh6 17.Qg3+ and hello the unprotected Rook on b8.
Pin breaking with 15…Qd6 does not work 16.Bf4. A Skewer.
The White bits are in tricky trappy positions (I’m talking myself into it) 🙂

Good blitz try. Interesting. I’d play it for a laugh. (IBSSPAR) 😉

The possible fireworks White avoided when he refrained from playing 8.e5.
If the game had gone this way we would have been analysing it for months.

Horvath - Perenyi, Zalaegerszeg (where on Earth is that?) 1972.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Kings and Pawns -v- cohonas RHP 2011.

I was playing a wee joke on DerJager in Thread 144535 and it got
all out of hand. So here is the game I promised I would ‘do’.

It’s not as dull as it first appears. I’ve found a few things sleeping in the background.
Of course only the players can confirm if I’m on the money.
I stay away from ...[text shortened]... Qh5+ g6 21. Qc5 Rxb4 22. Qxb4 Rg8 23. Qb8+ {23....Kf7 24.Rxd7+ Black resigned.}[/pgn]
Good on ya,



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Cheers but the really good players will spot me fudging on the last few moves.
My usual policy is if in doubt say nothing.

I tried a few things in the final position but was digging myself into a hole.
Get the Queens off and I know players who would love playing on.

I'm quite capable of losing with both sides from that final position
so I neatly shifted the onus onto White for offering the draw.
If some endgame egghead can come up with a White winning plan then
it's King and Pawns fault. Not mine. 🙂

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Kings and Pawns -v- cohonas RHP 2011.

I was playing a wee joke on DerJager in Thread 144535 and it got
all out of hand. So here is the game I promised I would ‘do’.

It’s not as dull as it first appears. I’ve found a few things sleeping in the background.
Of course only the players can confirm if I’m on the money.
I stay away from Qh5+ g6 21. Qc5 Rxb4 22. Qxb4 Rg8 23. Qb8+ {23....Kf7 24.Rxd7+ Black resigned.}[/pgn]
18.g5 loses the pawn.

P.S. I see you got it already.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Horvath - Perenyi, Zalaegerszeg (where on Earth is that?) 1972

I'd prefer the simple ending, I think.

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