Originally posted by hunterknoxNakamura just can't handle Carlsen! If memory serves me, that's three wins in a row for the Norwegian. Wonder what Kasparov thinks of all this now he's coaching Hikaru...?
Round 3: Carlsen vs. Nakamura 1-0.
Final position:
[fen]r1b2q2/5p1k/7p/3Pp2N/4BQ1P/8/1r4PK/2R5 b - - 0 0[/fen]
Whatever black does white's rook is coming into play to do some serious damage.
Originally posted by grandmasteryodaI can't seem to post this %$£$%£"$ pgn! 😠😠😠😠Game is here...
Nakamura vs Anand was one of the best games I've seen. Black looked dead in the water at one point but completely turned it around.
26.Bc4 looked wrong to me. While watching the game i couldn't work out why white can't play Bxa6. black can't capture because of Nc6. It's difficult to see what blacks response would be...
29.Nc4 was the move sighted by both players as the blunder, but Nakamura pointed out that white has aproached the position wrong. Claiming the c-file with the rook and invading along that file was his suggestion... }
Never mind the London Games....Boring.
Game 8543964
During the game the Black Queen makes over 30 moves missing a few
mates while she gobbles up the White army.
Infact between move 17 and move 35 Black makes nothing but Queen moves.
The g8 Knight stays at home for 65 moves then on move 66 it moves
and gives instant mate. A Classic.