The second easiest of the 5 elemantary mates.
From the position (black to move)
1. ... Ke7
Head towards the centre as you cannot be mated there
2. Qd5
Restricting the Kings space as much as possible
2. ... Kf7
Staying as close to the centre as possible
3. Qe6
Restricting space again
3. ... Kg8
[/i] No better, or worse than Kh2[/i]
4. Qd7
Restricting King to g8 and h8 only
4. ... Kh8
No where else
5. Kf2
The Queen cannot deliver mate by herself so the King must be bought up. Note not 5. Qf7?? restricting further as this is stalemate (a draw)
5. ... Kg8;
6. Kg3 .. Kh8;
7. Kg4 .. Kg8;
8. Kg5 .. Kh8;
9. Kg6 .. Kg8;
10. Qg7++
How to mate with K & R vs K coming up
Originally posted by Dragon FireI already knew how to mate with Q + K vs. K, but I like your depth in teaching endgames...
The second easiest of the 5 elemantary mates.
From the position (black to move)
1. ... Ke7
[b] Head towards the centre as you cannot be mated there
2. Qd5
Restricting the Kings space as much as possible
2. ... Kf7
Staying as close to the centre as possible
3. Qe ...[text shortened]... Kg4 .. Kg8;
8. Kg5 .. Kh8;
9. Kg6 .. Kg8;
10. Qg7++
How to mate with K & R vs K coming up[/b]
Could you post a tutorial for checkmates (not helpmates) using:
K+N/B vs. K+R
K+N/B vs. K+Q
or any other combination where both sides have pieces?
Anything would be appreciated...