This is a game that finished here recently between Morgski and I. Morgski says he'll be adding annotations here momentarily. I know I was drinking a little when I originally annotated this so hopefully it all makes sense 😉 -- I'm still drinkin, its much more productive than thinkin! (kidding..)
Originally posted by PhySiQawesome game!
This is a game that finished here recently between Morgski and I. Morgski says he'll be adding annotations here momentarily. I know I was drinking a little when I originally annotated this so hopefully it all makes sense 😉 -- I'm still drinkin, its much more productive than thinkin! (kidding..)
[pgn][Event "Challenge"]
[Site " ...[text shortened]... exchange still results in a white win.} Be5 44. Kg4 [/pgn]
Pasted from another thread where I am butting my head against
the brick wall that is robbie carrobie.
I think the most beneficial part of the game to players of IRU standard was
the trap if Black takes on b2. (I would have liked Q if you could have given
that has a sub variation - a new pgn).
For the level on here these things have to been seen rather than spoken about
Also the calm way White handle the final part of the game.
It is at this stage, winning the won game, where a lot fall down.
Usually at the first wiff of tactics.
Here as White I would have been feeling most uncomfortable.
That Bishop on e3 is holding the game together.
It protects the c-pawn and f2, it protects the Rook and the Queen,
(thus preventing Bxh2 winning the Queen.)
Too much for one piece. I cannot see a way to exploit it. But I don't like it.
I try in my games never to give pieces such work and I look for the pieces
that maybe have too many defensive roles. I can see me blowing the
final phase of that game by refusing to be tied down and relying so much on one piece.
Originally posted by greenpawn34GP will you admit that Q's exceptional positional understanding has in this instance
Pasted from another thread where I am butting my head against
the brick wall that is robbie carrobie.
I think the most beneficial part of the game to players of IRU standard was
the trap if Black takes on b2. (I would have liked Q if you could have given
that has a sub variation - a new pgn).
For the level on here these things have to been seen ...[text shortened]... ing the
final phase of that game by refusing to be tied down and relying so much on one piece.
triumphed over mere tactics, will you, fess up my son and free your mind of this
burden that has been weighing you down!
Originally posted by greenpawn34You're right Mr. Pawn,
Pasted from another thread where I am butting my head against
the brick wall that is robbie carrobie.
I think the most beneficial part of the game to players of IRU standard was
the trap if Black takes on b2. (I would have liked Q if you could have given
that has a sub variation - a new pgn).
For the level on here these things have to been seen ...[text shortened]... ing the
final phase of that game by refusing to be tied down and relying so much on one piece.
I'm not much of a writer. Heck I'm not any of a writer! I'm thumbing about in the dark here. I have more trouble communicating what I'm thinking then a player should. I have room for improvement here, I'll be working on it. 😉
But with a good tip like yours its easy to follow the rules and get it done. So here we go:
Never OH! Never take the Queen's Knight Pawn!
Originally posted by PhySiQInteresting game and nice annotations.
This is a game that finished here recently between Morgski and I. Morgski says he'll be adding annotations here momentarily. I know I was drinking a little when I originally annotated this so hopefully it all makes sense 😉 -- I'm still drinkin, its much more productive than thinkin! (kidding..)
[pgn][Event "Challenge"]
[Site " exchange still results in a white win.} Be5 44. Kg4 [/pgn]
The power of the extra pawn, especially one that is passed.
Was 35 . . . Qxc5 (instead of 35 . . . Qd1+) a better move for him.
It is hard to give up the bishop pair sometimes, but I agree with the simplification to better emphasize the passed extra pawn, and because of his annoying post of his knight.
Originally posted by moon196935...Qxc5? 36. Bb2 (thats the Bb2 winning a piece threat I mentioned)
Interesting game and nice annotations.
The power of the extra pawn, especially one that is passed.
Was 35 . . . Qxc5 (instead of 35 . . . Qd1+) a better move for him.
It is hard to give up the bishop pair sometimes, but I agree with the simplification to better emphasize the passed extra pawn, and because of his annoying post of his knight.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieRobbie, the day I take any chess advice from you is far far away.
GP will you admit that Q's exceptional positional understanding has in this instance
triumphed over mere tactics, will you, fess up my son and free your mind of this
burden that has been weighing you down!
Sorry about that Q.
Black's 16th move here was 16...exd4. (no note.)
That looks like a strategic error to me, opening up the game for your Bishops.
All centre exchanges are critical moments.
Four moves later this appeared.
A big difference. White has the board.
So, in hindsight, 16...e4.
Keeping it closed. White still has the options but must prepare to open
the game rather than let Black do it for him.
Black can use the time to organise a blocking strategy. Qc7 and leave the
Queenside pawns alone. By-pass any pawn shoves of the c & d pawns by White.
Not a Black position I would relish. White calls the tune, but I've had
to play them in the past when I've needed to. Most likely at some stage
I'd play Nd7/h7 shut my eyes and throw up the f-pawn.
But 16...exd4 does look like a baddie.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I am coming for you GP, you can run, but even in Edinburgh castle, you cannot hide!
Robbie, the day I take any chess advice from you is far far away.
Sorry about that Q.
[fen]r4rk1/pp3pb1/1qpp1npp/4p3/P1PP4/3BP2P/1P1B1PP1/R2QR1K1 b - a3 0 16[/fen]
Black's 16th move here was 16...exd4. (no note.)
That looks like a strategic error to me, opening up the game for your Bishops.
All centre exchanges are critical moments.
Four moves ...[text shortened]... play Nd7/h7 shut my eyes and throw up the f-pawn.
But 16...exd4 does look like a baddie.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Well you're right. You already know you're right. But taking a page from your manual, I'll show that b2 is still a good trap, though a bit different. e4 and Bc2 and b2 still shouldn't be touched.
Robbie, the day I take any chess advice from you is far far away.
Sorry about that Q.
[fen]r4rk1/pp3pb1/1qpp1npp/4p3/P1PP4/3BP2P/1P1B1PP1/R2QR1K1 b - a3 0 16[/fen]
Black's 16th move here was 16...exd4. (no note.)
That looks like a strategic error to me, opening up the game for your Bishops.
All centre exchanges are critical moments.
Four moves play Nd7/h7 shut my eyes and throw up the f-pawn.
But 16...exd4 does look like a baddie.
Personally I think black should retreat that Queen . I think thats as least as important if not more so than e4 (if black never plays Qb6, how do you change your assessment GP?)... but as you suggested it, I would think we'd be looking at something like this:
White has some good space and the bishop pair can become pretty demanding when the pawns start flying off. I like my/this position. I think we should let Morgski talk about the differences though - he was doing the planning on the black side... we can't steal the meat off his plate GP. He gets a chance for rebuttal.
Good 'on ya for cookin the grits here though.