Originally posted by Duncan8thWell,first of all,pretty soon after I learned the game,it dawned on me that I would never get really good at it.Second,I learned that my opponents were just as scared and just as much in doubt as I was(like Tal,prolly got it from one of his books😉).Considering these 2 facts,I decided to become a new Mikhail Tal,be it in minor fashion😉Meaning,I would always choose the sharpest lines I could think of,never fearing a promising looking sac.Playing this way,I sometimes suffer crushing defaets,but also memorable wins,even against much higher rates.But,more important,I always have tons of fun in my games.😵Over the years I have developed my play into somewhat calmer waters,but I remained faithfull to my attacking style,and still don't fear any sac when given the opportunity.😉So,I guess you can say,Mikhail Tal had the greatest influence in my chess style.
What has most influenced how you play chess (for better or worse)?
For me it was my Grandfather, a great player who not only taught me how to play, but tutored me in the tactics of chess.
What about y'all?
Originally posted by LivingLegendZeker weten!Ik woon in de provincie Antwerpen,in een klein dorpje op zo'n 40km afstand(van Antwerpen).Ik wist wel dat je een Haarlemmer bent,maar dacht er niet aan😕 Dit overkomt mij wel vaker hoor.In het engels converseren met een nederlandstalig persoon.Het is zo'n gewoonte geworden,om in het engels te schrijven,je staat er niet meer bij stil😳
Haha, don't get timed-out! Do you speak Dutch? (you're from Belgium)
Originally posted by FeivelMaybe 'cause nobody was infuenced by them?
Why is everybody overlooking the masters of sacrifice? Bronstein, Speelmann, Tal (was mentioned), Morphy, Kotov (at least in Zurich 53) and Shamkovitch.
Amici Sumus
Feivel the Freethinker
Though Morphy and Bronstein should always be mentioned🙂