Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013

Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013

Only Chess

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31 May 12
27 Dec 13

The Fat Lady has sung, so it's over. Rule 5 was quite clear:

1. Everyone interested in playing puts their name down in the thread. The thread will remain in this state for 3 days or until 12 names have been input whichever comes later. Late entry will not be allowed as it could unbalance the teams.
2. The 2 highest rated players will be captains.
3. The lower rated captain will get the choice of picking team players first or playing white.
4. The captains will select players one at a time until there are no players remaining.
5. No single player may make two consecutive moves or more than one move in a 24 hour period.
6. If a team has not made a move in a 72 hour period this will be deemed a resignation.

Thanks to all who took part.

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
27 Dec 13

When can another one start?

I'd like to be in the next one, looks fun πŸ™‚

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
27 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Fat Lady
Black must have been winning after SwissGambit's Rxg2. It looks like Black will with the g and h pawns and then sac his bishop for White's a-pawn. It's then a question of whether White can queen his b-pawn before Black queens his g or h pawns. Without analysising deeply, it looks like Black queens first with several moves to spare.

After Rc7, I don't kno ...[text shortened]... rule of thumb, it's better to play aggressive moves (e.g. Rxg2) rather than passive ones (Rc7).
I wasn't planning to concede the Bishop easily. Something like ...Bd5+ and ...Ra2 would slow white down, although he can still advance the b-pawn to help. Perhaps it is better to just take the h-pawn and sac the B. Then white has to deal with a pair of passed pawns.

Edit: Why are we resigning a game we aren't losing again?


21 Feb 06
27 Dec 13

One of our players broke the rules. Since the move he made was clearly inferior to a different one (which had been posted) it seemed likely that it was going to become messy so I thought a resignation was the best way out of it.

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
27 Dec 13


Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
28 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
Say what? I thought the restriction was to not make two moves within 24 hours... I either missed seeing or forgot about the part about making two moves in a row.

So what happens if it's your sides turn to move and no one makes a move for a week or two? Does this mean the last person who made a move for his team cannot make another one? I underst ...[text shortened]... moved, then can we strike my last move and go back to the point before I made the illegal move?
The 2 consecutive move and 24 hour rule was to stop one or two players dominating the game... which in essence would stop it being a team game. Part of it being a team game is that others might not know your plans and scupper them and the game could swing back and forth. I think it was a little unfortunate that the end-game ran over Christmas... I've only had the Android client for the last 2-3 days. We can try a little rule refinement and try again. I'll go back over the thread since there have been a few.

ETA: During actual play other than the rules of chess there was only one rule which was rule 5.

Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
28 Dec 13

Here's a revised set of rules. This is up for discussion....

1. The organiser will start a thread in the forum including the proposed start time of the game in the title (eg. Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013 ).
2. Everyone interested in playing puts their name down in the thread. The thread will remain in this state for at least 3 days.
3. A minimum of 12 players are required for the game to start.
4. Entry will be closed by the organiser as a post in the thread. Late entry will not be allowed as it could unbalance the teams.
5. The 2 highest rated players will be captains.
6. The lower rated captain will get the choice of picking team players first or playing white.
7. The captains will select players one at a time until there are no players remaining.
8. No single player may make two consecutive moves or more than one move in a 24 hour period.
9. If a team has not made a move in a 72 hour period this will be deemed a resignation.
10. If a player makes an illegal move ( including breaking rule 8 ) the move is taken back and the player is ejected from this game only. The next player may play the same move if desired.
11. Check your PGNs and FENs after posting to ensure the move is as intended.
12. The site rules governing game in progress discussion and engine use apply.
13. A non-playing arbiter may offer his services to see fair play and resolve disputes ( although if none appears the game may start without one ).

There is still only one in-play rule ( rule 8 ).
Rule 10 is new. I'm not a fan of forcing a crippling move or anything which will make the game itself anything else but best play of the player who made that move.
Most discussion was about rule 8. I'm not a fan of any rule which puts onus on a single player once the game has started.

Thoughts ?

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by thaughbaer
Here's a revised set of rules. This is up for discussion....

1. The organiser will start a thread in the forum including the proposed start time of the game in the title (eg. Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013 ).
2. Everyone interested in playing puts their name down in the thread. The thread will remain in this state for at least 3 days.
3. A minim ...[text shortened]... ot a fan of any rule which puts onus on a single player once the game has started.

Thoughts ?
Whatever.... can we get the game started now?? πŸ™‚

Mister Why

San Carlos, CA

21 Feb 12
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by thaughbaer
Here's a revised set of rules. This is up for discussion....

1. The organiser will start a thread in the forum including the proposed start time of the game in the title (eg. Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013 ).
2. Everyone interested in playing puts their name down in the thread. The thread will remain in this state for at least 3 days.
3. A minim ...[text shortened]... ot a fan of any rule which puts onus on a single player once the game has started.

Thoughts ?
Not a fan of rule 10 second sentence. Moves made illegally should be disallowed to be made by any player. Making a move out of turn is the same as a discussion as far as I'm concerned. It gives a clue about the plan of the previous move. A penalty should apply.

Rule 12 should be clearer. Something like "No discussion of game in progress. No engine use. Breaking this rule forfeits the game for the team of the offending player."

I would also outlaw comments on the move being made. "Protecting a pawn with a queen." "Saccing a piece." "rolling the pawns." etc.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by thaughbaer
Here's a revised set of rules. This is up for discussion....

1. The organiser will start a thread in the forum including the proposed start time of the game in the title (eg. Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013 ).
2. Everyone interested in playing puts their name down in the thread. The thread will remain in this state for at least 3 days.
3. A minim ...[text shortened]... ot a fan of any rule which puts onus on a single player once the game has started.

Thoughts ?
We don't need further amendments. There's nothing we can do about someone (a third party) ruining the game with commentary except to ask them in advance not to do it.

Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
29 Dec 13
2 edits

Originally posted by byedidia
Not a fan of rule 10 second sentence. Moves made illegally should be disallowed to be made by any player. Making a move out of turn is the same as a discussion as far as I'm concerned. It gives a clue about the plan of the previous move. A penalty should apply.
The problem with this is it spoils the game. Especially if in the position there is only one decent move. If a whole team is disadvantaged by being forced to play a substandard move they'll just give up. Game forfeits will just kill it entirely. A penalty does apply. The offending player gets booted out... even if it's me.


31 May 12
29 Dec 13
4 edits

"11. Check your PGNs and FENs after posting to ensure the move is as intended." Some players noted their initials, date and time (server time) in the PGNs. This is useful in determining who last moved and when, to ensure compliance with the 24-hour/2-consecutive move rule. Should not be required, but nice to have.

A penalty for infraction of the 24-hour/2-consecutive move rule should be considered, as there were two instances of it in the game. The first instance was waived, the second led to resignation by the team captain. Something in between seems more appropriate; summary ejection from the team, as suggested, seems appropriate to me.

There were differing opinions whether infraction of the 24-hour/2-consecutive move rule constituted an ILLEGAL move. I think this should be clearly defined for subsequent games (either yes or no).

Comments by players or observers are out of place, as they would be in any OTB tournament game. Save them for the post mortem. Infraction penalty: ejection from the team, maybe.

Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by moonbus
Comments by players or observers are out of place, as they would be in any OTB tournament game. Save them for the post mortem. Infraction penalty: ejection from the team, maybe.
This is a bit of fun. To some extent I think comments should be allowed. No points are at stake. Banter in the forum should be part of the game. As long as they do not explicitly suggest following moves. Not much of a post-mortem has gone on for this game yet.

peacedog's keeper

15 Jan 11
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by thaughbaer
This is a bit of fun. To some extent I think comments should be allowed. No points are at stake. Banter in the forum should be part of the game. As long as they do not explicitly suggest following moves. Not much of a post-mortem has gone on for this game yet.
I'm of the same opinion. It is just for fun after all so a bit of banter and heckling should be encouraged.

For instance, in that last game GP's sac on b5 was a lame attempted at mixing it and SG's Rc3 christmas turkey move made an easy win for black more problematic. πŸ˜›

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by hedonist
I'm of the same opinion. It is just for fun after all so a bit of banter and heckling should be encouraged.

For instance, in that last game GP's sac on b5 was a lame attempted at mixing it and SG's Rc3 christmas turkey move made an easy win for black more problematic. πŸ˜›
Oh, sure, it's easy to act like you saw it all along after someone else points it out. πŸ˜›