Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013

Multiplayer Chess Game Dec 7th 2013

Only Chess

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31 May 12
14 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by SwissGambit
None of the programmers I know code in MS Word.

My personal preference is an IDE or Notepad++.
I don't know anybody who codes in MS-WOrd either. I merely meant that as an example of a program overloaded with buzzers and whistles. I don't actively program anymore; I've moved into other IT areas (Cisco, Wireshark).


31 May 12
14 Dec 13
1 edit

GP:"I understand the bug is getting fixed on Thursday (19th Decemeber)."

If reprogramming is on offer, I have a request: could we please have algebraic coordinates in the margins of pgn boards displayed in threads?


31 May 12
14 Dec 13
1 edit

GP:"I never use the blog to carry on a forum row."

The two multi-layer games played so far have thrown up at least three general issues which remain unresolved.

1. Whether there should be penalties, and if so what, for infractions of the rules.

2. Commentary during the course of the game.

3. Ambiguous moves.

Item 1: There was an instance in which a player moved too often within the allotted time period. Several other players pleaded vocally for continuing the game and issuing a reprimand. I did not feel, however, that a full-quorum consensus on the issue had been reached.

Item 2: announcing mate in X moves is clearly over the line, as other members of the same team might not otherwise have seen it. Copy-pasting other games into the thread is a border-line case. While the copy-pasted game might not suggest any specific next-moves, it might, nonetheless, suggest a general plan of attack or defense which might not otherwise have occurred to other team members.

Item 3: reprogramming the pgn interface to reject and flag ambiguous moves would be a welcome improvement. This would not, however, eliminate the possibility of ambiguous moves entered as plain text. It might therefore be worthwhile to consider an additional rule or at least a general policy regarding ambiguous moves.

The multilayer game concept is interesting and deserves a fair chance to sink or swim. A bit of fine tuning is in order. This should in any case occur in a separate thread to the ongoing game. My $.02 worth.

Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
14 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by moonbus

The multilayer game concept is interesting and deserves a fair chance to sink or swim. A bit of fine tuning is in order. This should in any case occur in a separate thread to the ongoing game. My $.02 worth.
Bear in mind this is done for fun. No lives or rating points are at stake. Get to the end of the game.. fine tune the rules and if people are still interested start again.


06 May 08
15 Dec 13

Of course it is all fun, And I am on the slight wind up. (I'll still play).
But it will be interesting to see What Thurdays morning throws up.
I'm looking forward to it. (and to seeing all the other other PGN's we
know nothing about that display PGN Invalid.)

"If reprogramming is on offer, I have a request: could we please have
algebraic coordinates in the margins of pgn boards displayed in threads?"

No, it makes people sloppy and they rely on it. after a while you should
be able to name a square instantly.
The board is your battlefield, your life, you must know it's every bump and crevice.
You can do without wee guides lines around the side of the board to help you.


31 May 12
15 Dec 13

I CAN name every square on the board instantly. Just not algebraically. It's not my fault I was born in the middle of the previous century and learned a notation no longer in common use. Surely I'm not the only one at the forum who learned English descriptive.

In Wales, it's common to see road signs in two languages, as a courtesy to those who don't speak Welsh. Same in Ireland, for those who don't speak Gaelic. So why not a little help in RHP threads, too? Board coordinates can't be difficult to program, for they are displayed on boards in other areas at this forum.


31 May 12
15 Dec 13

PS I should think it's not just old fogies like me who learned Egyptian hieroglyphic notation who would appreciate it, but quite a few newbies, too.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
15 Dec 13

12 Nov 06
15 Dec 13
1 edit

08 Apr 12
15 Dec 13

Originally posted by moonbus
I CAN name every square on the board instantly. Just not algebraically. It's not my fault I was born in the middle of the previous century and learned a notation no longer in common use. Surely I'm not the only one at the forum who learned English descriptive.

In Wales, it's common to see road signs in two languages, as a courtesy to those who don't speak ...[text shortened]... es can't be difficult to program, for they are displayed on boards in other areas at this forum.
For people using tablets, this might unduly clutter the screen. There would have to be an option to turn this off and whatnot. I think Russ might believe it too complicated to implement.


06 May 08
15 Dec 13

Ah well......but plan 118 was worth a try.


10 May 09
15 Dec 13

I didn't think it would work, but if it did, the lol meter would be through the roof.


21 Feb 06
15 Dec 13

I think we can just about get away with this. It's got to be better than the alternative. I wish I hadn't played 21. ... Qc7 now.

08 Apr 12
15 Dec 13

Originally posted by Fat Lady
I think we can just about get away with this. It's got to be better than the alternative. I wish I hadn't played 21. ... Qc7 now.

[Event "Dec 7 2013 game"]
[Date "2013.12.07"]
[White "Luke Myster and co"]
[Black "Fat Lady and co"]
[ECO "B96"]
[SourceDate "2013.12.07"]
[PlyCount "50"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. ...[text shortened]... Rxd6 O-O 20. Rhd1 Rc8
21. Ne4 Qc7 22. R1d2 Qc4 23. Nf6+ Nxf6 24. Qxc4 Rxc4
25. exf6 Bd5[/pgn]
We haven't lost yet!


06 May 08
15 Dec 13
2 edits

"I wish I hadn't played 21. ... Qc7 now. "

It was a one move threat, we would expect anything else from you.

Plan 118.
I was trying to get your lot not to move whilst they were waiting
till Thursay for this update that aint going to happen.
At noon on Tuesday I would have claimed the game on time.
(and don't blame me...the whole team was in on it.)

Right guys Fat Lady's last move was a lemon. Good move HikaruShindo

Let me play our next move.

Your move shhhhmuck.........and the clock is ticking.