Originally posted by jugglingeekHey I've got an idea. I'll go into McDonalds and ask for a Whopper Meal. The cashier and I will have such a laugh.
I just won my first game on GameKnot.
Check out the queen sacrifice. I'm very proud. Sorry to post on here but GameKnot doesn't have a forum like this one
Originally posted by jugglingeekI prefer 14...Nb6 to 14...Na3.
A game of chess is still a game of chess. I assume on this board we are permitted to discuss chess. Not just RHP?
Did you like my sacrifice. Was there a way he could take my queen and go on to win the game without me making blunders?
13. Re1 and 19. Ng5
I think they were mistakes that cost him the game.
I just wanted a bit of analysis of the game
The Queen sacrifice was totally unnecessary. You were up a piece and there's no reason to go in for complications. Why not keep the win simple?
Your opponent basically handed you this game when he dropped a piece on move 13.
Originally posted by Blitz00Thank's for your comments. I agree that 13. Re1 was the move that cost him the game. I guess I made the queen sacrifice expecting him to play 17. Qxa1 alowing me to get his other rook. I've just never had the opertunity to make a queen sacrifice and once I saw that move I got a little excited.
Ill agree the queen sacrafice was completely uneeded and if your opponent was actually good he might of beat you instead of practically throwing the game.
Thanks for the feedback.