I had been very active on internet chess play for the last few weeks due to which I think my over the board game has been affected. I used to win games from a friend of mine but now i make foolish mistakes and dont know what's wrong with me. There are no chess clubs nor any place where tournaments are held, If I play chess with myself(Me on bothsides) then will that be any better?
Thank You
Originally posted by KhanI run a G/90+5 team league online. The only condition is that you have to be a (full) member of the playchess server to enter. Most of the people who enter are club players so you could expect some good games 🙂
I had been very active on internet chess play for the last few weeks due to which I think my over the board game has been affected. I used to win games from a friend of mine but now i make foolish mistakes and dont know what's wrong with me. There are no chess clubs nor any place where tournaments are held, If I play chess with myself(Me on bothsides) then will that be any better?
Thank You
Iv tried playing against myself, I did expect most games to end in draws, but because im crap at chess I made mistakes which I didnt see at the time but became apparent later on in the game making most games won or lost. As for learning it helps a little but is very boring and not really giving yourself a wide range of chess experience/input of new ideas from outside your norm.
Originally posted by KhanPlay online if you have to but use slower time controls. 30 minutes each is ideal but even 15 minutes each is better then blitz chess.
I had been very active on internet chess play for the last few weeks due to which I think my over the board game has been affected. I used to win games from a friend of mine but now i make foolish mistakes and dont know what's wrong with me. There are no chess clubs nor any place where tournaments are held, If I play chess with myself(Me on bothsides) then will that be any better?
Thank You
Moving to quick leads to blunder and when you play blitz you get into the habit of moving to quick and thus you play poorly in OTB.
Originally posted by KhanI disagree with you that RHP makes OTB play worse see Thread 53980.
I had been very active on internet chess play for the last few weeks due to which I think my over the board game has been affected. I used to win games from a friend of mine but now i make foolish mistakes and dont know what's wrong with me. There are no chess clubs nor any place where tournaments are held, If I play chess with myself(Me on bothsides) then will that be any better?
Thank You
However if you are playing blitz on-line then stop. Take as much time thinking about your moves as you would OTB and use opening books to facilitate improvement here.
Originally posted by KhanIt appears as if you are addicted to bullet chess and this has completely ruined your game.
I had been very active on internet chess play for the last few weeks due to which I think my over the board game has been affected. I used to win games from a friend of mine but now i make foolish mistakes and dont know what's wrong with me. There are no chess clubs nor any place where tournaments are held, If I play chess with myself(Me on bothsides) then will that be any better?
Thank You
See http://beta.uschess.org/frontend/askGM_24_22.php from US GM Benjamin.
Originally posted by Dragon FireDepends how you play on Rhp though.
I disagree with you that RHP makes OTB play worse see Thread 53980.
However if you are playing blitz on-line then stop. Take as much time thinking about your moves as you would OTB and use opening books to facilitate improvement here.
Are you blitz out the moves?
Are you continuoulsy using the analysis board and not your brain?
All these are bad things about Rhp.
You gotta use it properly for it to help you improve at OTB.
By that I meant i was very active on RHP but not OTB so I think this is why it created problems when I switched back to OTB games and secondly I think i had been very dependent upon the analyze board so to confirm moves. Anyhow I think I played really nice with my brother today and my brother said that he would play atleast 2 games OTB daily with me. Can anyone tell me how can i find mine and my brother's rating OTB.
Originally posted by KhanNo, join a chess club and find out.
By that I meant i was very active on RHP but not OTB so I think this is why it created problems when I switched back to OTB games and secondly I think i had been very dependent upon the analyze board so to confirm moves. Anyhow I think I played really nice with my brother today and my brother said that he would play atleast 2 games OTB daily with me. Can anyone tell me how can i find mine and my brother's rating OTB.
You can't compared any online ratings with OTB ratings. You just can't.