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My plan for getting to 2000

My plan for getting to 2000

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This is what I am planning on doing.

1. Start doing tactic puzzles again. I didn't like the La Maza way so
I'm just going to do several tactic puzzles each day.

2. Annotated my CFC games into a notebook after I play them and then use fritz to analyse them.

3. Learn my openings better. I started doing this in Feb, and read my
first real opening book. It was one of the Starting Out series.
Nothing really specific in the book but I think that's good enough
for me right now and they are easy to read. I find I play much better
if i'm familiar with the opening and know what plans to follow.

4. Read some opening, middlegame, strategy books.

I think for my level, my opening and endgame are adequate. I get
reasonable position out of the opening, but during the middlegame I
often struggle and can't find the way to victory when I have an
advantage or have the wrong plan.

I gave myself 2 years to get to 1800 after playing in rated tournaments and now i'm giving my self 2 more years to get to 2000. Right now I'm at 1852 and it will be 2 years for me this May.

I'll post what i'm doing on my blog in case anyone is interested.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
Have you read 'Art of attack in chess' by vukovic and keres & kotov 'art of the middle game' ? I just got them delivered a couple of days ago, had a flip through and they look excellent!
Art of Attack yes. Read it late last year, October I think. Great book, some of the concepts I still don't get. They were to advanced for me. I say you need to be at least 1650 to read that book.

Art of middle game, heard good things about it. Never read it yet, but it looks like a good book.

I made a list of all the books/dvds I have read/watched on my blog, first post.

I picked up Alek. best games yesterday so I'll will start reading that.

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Weapons Of Chess, by Bruce Pandolfini. I consider it indispensible. Full of common sense guidelines to follow, it spells out what to do in tactical/strategic situations using general rules of thumb that would take years to figure out in actual play.

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Originally posted by General Putzer
Weapons Of Chess, by Bruce Pandolfini. I consider it indespensible. Full of common sense guidelines to follow, it spells out what to do in tactical/strategic situations using general rules of thumb that would take years to figure out in actual play.
You should add your thoughts here:
Thread 18131

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Originally posted by General Putzer
Weapons Of Chess, by Bruce Pandolfini. I consider it indispensible. Full of common sense guidelines to follow, it spells out what to do in tactical/strategic situations using general rules of thumb that would take years to figure out in actual play.
I looked at the book. Looks to simple for me.

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Originally posted by RahimK
I looked at the book. Looks to simple for me.
Have you read Silman's Reassess Your Chess? That's helped me GREATLY with my middlegame (Well, I just finished The Amateur's Mind, but Ive heard they're similar. Reassess will be my next book. It's supposed to be more to the point and the concepts are spelled out more clearly.) Anyway, I see the board--and the game--in a whole new light. I don't exaggerate when I say that, either.

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Originally posted by RahimK
This is what I am planning on doing...

2. Annotated my CFC games into a notebook after I play them and then use fritz to analyse them.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
Have you read 'Art of attack in chess' by vukovic and keres & kotov 'art of the middle game' ? I just got them delivered a couple of days ago, had a flip through and they look excellent!
Both are classics, but the chapter on: "How to defend difficult positions" in the Art of the Middle Game is a masterpiece.

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Originally posted by pinkthunder
Have you read Silman's Reassess Your Chess? That's helped me GREATLY with my middlegame (Well, I just finished The Amateur's Mind, but Ive heard they're similar. Reassess will be my next book. It's supposed to be more to the point and the concepts are spelled out more clearly.) Anyway, I see the board--and the game--in a whole new light. I don't exaggerate when I say that, either.
I read it once 2 years ago when I first started OTB playing. It was way over my head, I was around 1400 then. It was as enjoyable and after 220 pages I returned the book. I will read it again soon. It's a great book and should make more sense to me at this level then it did before.

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Originally posted by pinkthunder
Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC!

Haha, CFC - Chess Federation du (or de with an french accent) Canada

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